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Official PHP library for LaunchKey Authentication

v1.5.0 2016-05-13 01:44 UTC


Latest Stable Version

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LaunchKey is an identity and access management platform This SDK enables developers to quickly integrate the LaunchKey platform and PHP based applications without the need to directly interact with the platform API.

Developer documentation for using the LaunchKey API is found here.

An overview of the LaunchKey platform can be found here.


Utilization of the LaunchKey SDK requires the following items:

  • LaunchKey Account - The LaunchKey Mobile App is required to set up a new account and access the LaunchKey Dashboard.

  • An application - A new application can be created in the LaunchKey Dashboard. From the application, you will need the following items found in the keys section of the application details:

    • The app key
    • The secret key
    • The private key


The preferred way to install the LaunchKey SDK for PHP is to use Composer, the PHP package manager. Simply type the following into a terminal window:

composer require launchkey/launchkey


Instantiate an SDK Client

The easiest way to create a client is by passing an app key, secret key, and private key location to the factory:

$client = \LaunchKey\SDK\Client::factory(


If needed, you can have better control over the environment by using the Config object:

$config = new \LaunchKey\SDK\Config();

Using the config object allows you to set many other configuration items:

  • Private Key Location - Specify the location of the private key file instead of loading it in yourself.

  • Private key password - if your RSA private key is password protected

  • Cache - The LaunchKey public key is cached to improve performance. The default is local memory cache. The config allows you to specify a different LaunchKey\SDK\Cache\Cache implementation.

  • Event Dispatcher - Events are dispatched by the SDK client. The default Event Dispatcher is a local synchronous dispatcher.

  • Logger - Log debug and error messages with context utilizing a PSR compliant logger. By default no logger is implemented.

  • API Base URL - If you are using a premise based LaunchKey Engine or are psarticipating in a special preview test, you would specify the URL of the LaunchKey Engine API here.

  • API Request Timeout - How long the cURL client will wait for the remote API to respond before timing out. The default is 0 (infinite).

  • API Connect Timeout - How long the cURL client will wait while connecting to the remote API before timing out. The default is 0 (infinite).

Request a user authentication

Authentication is used to start a durable user session. Application login would be an example of when to use user authentication.

Authentication creates a state know as "Orbiting" in the LaunchKey system.

$authRequest = $client->auth()->authenticate("LaunchKeyUserName");


A \LaunchKey\SDK\Domain\AuthRequest object will be returned to identify the authorization request created for this authentication request. The auth request ID is this object will be used to identify this in the LaunchKey Engine form this point forward.

Request a user to authorize

Authorization is used to authorize a single request. It does not create a durable user session. Authorizing a purchase transaction would be an example of when to use user authorization.

$authRequest = $client->auth()->authorize("LaunchKeyUserName");


A \LaunchKey\SDK\Domain\AuthRequest object will be returned to identify the authorization request created for this authentication request. The auth request ID in this object will be used to identify this in the LaunchKey Engine form this point forward.

Determine if an authentication request is still authorized

You can determine the status of an auth request ID with a getStatus call:

$authResponse = $client->auth()->getStatus("authRequestId");

A ```\LaunchKey\SDK\Domain\AuthResponse``` object will be returned to represent the current status of that authentication/authorization, or auth, request. That object will contain the following data:

Auth Request ID - The auth request its state represents.

Completed - Has the user responded to the request.

Authorized - How did the user response to the request. NULL if completed is FALSE.

User Hash - A unique identifier that identifies the LaunchKey user within the LaunchKey system regardless of a username change. This value will be the best value to accurately identify a user across applications and username changes.

Organization User ID - The identifier for this user in the organization in which the application for the auth request exists. This will be null if the application does not belong to an organization.

User Push ID - The identifying link between this user and the application associated with the auth request.

Device ID - A unique identifier for the device with which the user responded to the request.

De-orbit a user application session

When a user session, or orbit, was attained bu an authenticate request, a de-orbit call is required to end that session, or de-orbit.



The de-orbit request has no return.

Process a server sent event

Server sent events allow you to process information out of band. By processing the request received by the endpoint specified in the app configuration, this can be accomplished:

 $request = Zend\Diactoros\ServerRequestFactory::fromGlobals(
 $response = new Zend\Diactoros\Response();
 $result = $client->serverSentEvent()->handleEvent($request, $response);


There are three different events that can be differentiated by the object returned by the handle callback request:

Auth Response

If configured, when a user responds to an auth request, an auth callback will be made. The auth callback returns a \LaunchKey\SDK\Domain\AuthResponse object that which is the same object returned by the getStatus call.


A user can initiate a de-orbit request remotely. If configured, the de-orbit callback is how your application is informed of this event. The de-orbit callback returns a \LaunchKey\SDK\Domain\DeOrbitCallback object. The object identifies:

  • User Hash - User hash of the user that performed the de-orbit.

  • De-orbit Time - \DateTime object with the date/time the de-orbit request was made. The de-orbit time should be used to determine if the de-orbit is still valid. Due to the asynchronous nature of callbacks, however unlikely, the user may have re-orbited since the de-orbit request. The de-orbit time can also be used to prevent replay attacks that could prevent your users from accessing your system by continuously logging them out by resending old de-orbit requests.

Rocket Created

A user can use the "Easy Setup" process to configure rockets for software like the LaunchKey WordPress Plugin. When the Rocket is created, a Server Sent Event (SSE) is sent containing information about the created rocket. The result will be a LaunchKey\SDK\Domain\RocketCreated object. This object has a getRocketConfig() method that takes both a LaunchKey\SDK\Service\CryptService and nonce string, the nonce string obtained from a LaunchKey\SDK\Service\ApiService::nonce() call frok the beginning of the process, to decrypt the encrypted data and return a LaunchKey\SDK\Domain\RocketConfig object that contains all of the pertinent Rocket configuration information. The body of the Response object passed to the handleEvent() call will need to be returned as the response to complete the configuration process of the Rocket via "Easy Setup". For more informatiom regarding "Easy Setup", please refer to the LaunchKey API Documentation.

Create a white label user

If you have a white label application, you will need to create users via an API call. If your users use the LaunchKey Mobile application to accept auth requests, you will not need this call and using it will trigger exceptions.

There currently is no direct way to create users for a white label group, you will need to configure the client for an application that belongs to the white label group.

Creating a white label user is accomplished by passing an identifier for your PHP application to the createUser method. The identifier needs to be a permanent and unique identifier of this user within your application. This identifier will be used authenticate the user as well as pair devices additional devices to the user's account within your white label group.

$whiteLabelUser = $client->whiteLabel()->createUser($identifier);


The create user call returns a \LaunchKey\SDK\Domain\DeOrbitCallback object that contains:

  • QR Code URL - A URL to a QR code image that can be used to pair a device via a white label mobile application.

  • Code - An alphanumeric value that can be manually entered into a white label mobile application to pair the device.


Examples for CLI and Web applications are found in the examples directory of the package source. They have their own documentation.



Submit feature requests and bugs on GitHub.


Submit a question to the Twitter Handle @LaunchKeyHelp.


Engage the LaunchKey team in the #launchkey chat room on freenode.

LaunchKey Help Desk

Browse FAQ's or submit a question to the LaunchKey support team for both technical and non-technical issues. Visit the LaunchKey Help Desk here.