
Laravel SDK for RemoteAuth.

8.0.2 2019-06-01 23:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-31 14:39:21 UTC


You can use this package to quickly get up and running with RemoteAuth.

The RemoteAuth Laravel SDK uses the RemoteAuth PHP SDK behind the scenes.


This package sets up the following for you:

  • OAuth authentication workflow via Socialite
  • Configures the RemoteAuth PHP SDK
  • Uses Laravel's cache for request result caching
  • Handles refreshing access tokens when they expire



You need to add the following configuration values to config/services.php:

    'remoteauth' => [
        'client_id' => env('REMOTEAUTH_CLIENT_ID'),
        'client_secret' => env('REMOTEAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET'),
        'url' => env('REMOTEAUTH_URL'),
        'redirect' => config('app.url') . '/login/remoteauth/callback',
        'scopes' => ''
  • client_id - Get this from the RemoteAuth OAuth Clients UI.
  • client_secret - Get this from the RemoteAuth OAuth Clients UI.
  • url - This is the URL of the RemoteAuth server you are using.
  • redirect - This is the endpoint of your application that RemoteAuth will respond to during the OAuth workflow.
  • scopes - The scopes that should be requested when granting an access token.


There's a configuration variable available for declaring which of your models represents a RemoteAuth User.


Your User model must implement the RemoteAuthUser interface provided by remoteauth-php-sdk.

Here's a standard example of the overridden methods:

class User extends Authenticatable implements RemoteAuthUser

    // ... standard user model stuff here
    /** @Override */
    public function remoteAuthUserId(): string
        return $this->remoteauth_user_id;
    /** @Override */
    public function accessToken(): string
        return $this->access_token;

    /** @Override */
    public function refreshToken(): string
        return $this->refresh_token;

    /** @Override */
    public function accessTokenExpiration(): \DateTime
        return $this->expires_at;

    public function handleTokenRefresh(string $userId, string $accessToken, string $refreshToken, int $expiresIn): void
        $this->remoteauth_user_id = $userId;
        $this->access_token = $accessToken;
        $this->refresh_token = $refreshToken;
        $this->expires_at = Carbon::now()->addSeconds($expiresIn);

Service Provider Registration

The RemoteAuth Laravel SDK comes with a standard setup to quickly get you up and running. It will handle the entire OAuth workflow for you, granted you have a standard workflow.

Inside AppServiceProvider.php, register your User model and register the routes used for the OAuth flow:

// AppServiceProvider.php

 * Bootstrap any application services.
 * @return void
public function boot()

The RemoteAuth::registerRoutes() method can optionally accept a closure argument. If passed, this closure will be called when the OAuth workflow is successful.

The closure is passed an arugment, $userDetails. This argument is the user object returned from Socialite:

RemoteAuth::registerRoutes(function(User $userDetails) {
    $user = \App\User::firstOrNew([
        'email' => $userDetails->email,
    ], [
        'name' => $userDetails->name,

    $user->handleTokenRefresh($userDetails->id, $userDetails->token, $userDetails->refreshToken, $userDetails->expiresIn);


    return redirect('/');

If you do not pass the closure, the default closure will update (or create if new) the User identified by their email address. It will then call the handleTokenRefresh() method on your User class, and then login the user in.

$userDetails passed into the closure contains the following properties:

  • id
  • name
  • email
  • token
  • refreshToken
  • expiresIn

RemoteAuth::registerRoutes() registers two routes for you:

  • /login/remoteauth - You need to redirect your users to this endpoint when starting the login flow.
  • /login/remoteauth/callback - This endpoint is called by RemoteAuth when the user has authenticated with RemoteAuth.