
Menu extension for eZ Publish

Installs: 5 567

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 14

Forks: 1

Open Issues: 0



1.1.0 2016-09-30 07:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-16 02:01:55 UTC


Mobile AJAX menu for eZ Publish Legacy

Steps to set up xrowmobilemenu:

  1. Download xrowmobilemenu and install in /<ezpublish_legacy>/extension/xrowmobilemenu directory.
  2. Activate Extension in override/site.ini.append.php

[ExtensionSettings] ActiveExtensions[]=xrowmobilemenu

or in siteaccess/<your_siteaccess>/site.ini.append.php

[ExtensionSettings] ActiveAccessExtensions[]=xrowmobilemenu 3. Add xrowmobilemenu.js and xrowmobilemenu.css to your design.ini 4. Activate jQuery. 5. Add one HTML-Tag of your desire with a proper class or an ID as Trigger for opening/closing the menu. 6. Set up the Trigger in JS: $("button.example").xrowmobilemenu(); 7. Optionally you can configure what the menu should do: a. I recommend, that you use data-Attributes in your HTML-Trigger to pass the variables to JS b. $("button.example").xrowmobilemenu({current_node_id: $("button.example").data("current_node")}); c. More Possibilities: $("button.example").xrowmobilemenu({ current_node_id: <add the current node id like in b. - this is recommended>, focus_current_node: <if the menu should focus on the current node on load, elsewhise it will show the children of the root node>, root_node_id: , siteaccessname: <your url with siteaccess e.g. example.com/eng_gb> }); 8. Clear caches.