
General utility helpers

2.0.2 2022-12-25 10:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-25 14:13:03 UTC


A library filled with utility functions.


ArrayHelper::set(array &$array, string $key, mixed $value): array

Set an array item to a given value using "dot" notation.
If the given key is null, the entire array will be replaced. Returns the new array.

ArrayHelper::get(array $array, string $key, $default = null, bool $throw = false): mixed

Get an item from an array using "dot" notation.
If the $throw argument is set to true an ArrayKeyNotFoundException is thrown instead of returning the default value.

ArrayHelper::isAccessible(mixed $value): bool

Determine whether a given value is array accessible.
Checks if the value is an instance of \ArrayAccess.

ArrayHelper::exists(array $array, string|int $key)

Determine if a given key exists in the provided array.

ArrayHelper::convertDotNotationToArray(array $array): array

Creates a multidimensional array based on an array of dotnotation keys.
Useful for configuration arrays.


    'a.b.c' => 'value'

Turns into

    'a' => [
        'b' => [
            'c' => 'value'
ArrayHelper::convertArrayToDotNotation(array $array): array

Convert multidimensional array to 2D array with dotnotation keys.
Useful for configuration arrays.


    'a' => [
        'b' => [
            'c' => 'value'

Turns into

    'a.b.c' => 'value'
ArrayHelper::moveToTop(array &$array, string $key): void

Move an array item to the start of the array.

ArrayHelper::moveToBottom(array &$array, string $key): void

Move an array item to the end of the array.

ArrayHelper::mergeRecursiveDistinct(array $array1, array $array2): array

Merge 2 arrays recursively and replaces distinct non-array values.

ArrayHelper::getChecksum(array $array, bool $sort = false): ?string

Get a checksum of the given array.

ArrayHelper::getValueBasedOnCurrentDay(array $array): mixed

Gets a value from an array based on the current day. Each day the value shifts to the next one. Maximum array size is around 20 million. (Ymd as an int).


ClassHelper::getClassConstant(object $class, $value, ?string $prefix = null, bool $remove_prefix = true): ?string

Get the name of a constant based on value.
Can be given a prefix to narrow the search.

ClassHelper::getClassInfoFromFile(string $file_path): array

Get the info of a class by filepath.
Returns an array with the class name and the full namespace.
Does not use reflection and does not initiate the class.

ClassHelper::getClassNameFromFile(string $file_path): ?string

Get the class name from a file containing a class.
The namespace is not included.

ClassHelper::getNamespaceFromFile(string $file_path): ?string

Get the namespace from a file containing a class.

ClassHelper::getFullClassNameFromFile(string $file_path): ?string

Get the full class name from a file containing a class. The returned string contains the namespace and class name.

ClassHelper::getMethodCodeFromClass(object $class, string $method_name, bool $include_function_definition = false): ?string

Get the raw code from a method of a class.

ClassHelper::callPrivateMethod(object $class, string $method_name, array ...$arguments): mixed

Call a private method of a class.
Useful for unit testing internal workings.
