
A bundle made for scanning and sorting paperwork

dev-master 2015-03-12 23:18 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-11 16:40:48 UTC



Scafo is a simple tool helping you to sort all your paperwork. Scan all your bills, mail and such, define filters and let Scafo do all the work for you !
You might want to redirect Scafo's output to a file management software like Pydio or OwnCloud so you can browse and search your documents.
Scafo is still in beta, so you can expect bugs.

How does it work ?

For details, you should check the documentation.
Basically, you scan your papers in jpg files, put them in one of Scafo's Input folders, open Scafo's instance and run a sorting process. The scanned pages will be OCRized (the images will be converted to text) and according to the filters you defined, one of the filter will match your text and Scafo will know where to put the pdf file, how to name it and even how to extract the document's date.
Technically, Scafo requires a *AMP server and a Symfony installation. Check out the instructions below to see how to set it up !

Help wanted

Scafo has a simple companion Java application that helps scanning your pages and sends the files directly in the good folder. Unfortunately, the only scanner library I managed to get working requires a personal (free, though) licence. Java isn't my cup of tea, so I'm looking for someone who could help me on this app so I can release it too.
Also, although this documentation is in english, Scafo is currently only available in french.

What kind of scanner is recommended ?

Any scanner will do, but a double-sided scanner with tray loading is highly recommended. A good, not-so-expensive scanner is the Canon P-150.


Note : All paths beggining with a slash refer to Symfony's root folder (ie : /var/www/scafo)

###Symfony setup Install symfony 2.6 (or later) and set it up with a database. If you're not familiar with Symfony, please check Composer and Symfony documentation. Basically, you have to run

composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition scafo/

on your webserver.

###Add Scafo Bundle

php ../composer.phar require "wpierre/scafo":"dev-master"

###Enable Scafo and the dependencies in Symfony Edit your /app/AppKernel.php and add the text below to the list of enabled bundles :

new WPierre\Scafo\ScafoBundle\WPierreScafoScafoBundle(),
new WhiteOctober\TCPDFBundle\WhiteOctoberTCPDFBundle(),

###Enable Scafo's routes Edit your /app/config/routing.yml and add :

    resource: "@WPierreScafoScafoBundle/Resources/config/routing.xml"
    prefix: /
    type: xml

Please mind the spaces if you're not familiar with YAML syntax (no leading space for the first line, four for the others).

###Enable Symfony's form Bootstrap theme Edit your /app/config/config.yml and in the section "twig", add these lines :

        #resources: ['bootstrap_3_layout.html.twig']
        resources: ['bootstrap_3_horizontal_layout.html.twig']

Same notice as previous step, four leding spaces for first line, eight for the next ones.

###Install VirtualHost Set up a virtual host for your server. There's a standard Apache Virtualhost file ready to be adapted in The Scafo/ScafoBundle/Extra/VirtualHost folder. You might want to remove Symfony's /web/.htaccess file to enable the dev environnement on the front page while Scafo is still in beta stage.

###Install the assets Scafo's bundle contains several assets, including Bootstrap and jQuery. You have to install them using :

php app/console assets:install

You should see a line about ScafoBundle.

###Setup the database Scafo needs a database and you configured one while installing Symfony. If the database already exists, please use :

php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

If it doesn't exist yet, please use :

php app/console doctrine:database:create

###Clear the caches Run these two commands to clear your Symfony caches :

php app/console cache:clear --env=dev php app/console cache:clear --env=prod

###Test it ! According to your virtual host configuration, this might change, but if you didn't change anything, open http://localhost:8087.
Scafo will run some test to check the dependencies and create your first instance. Open this instance and you can begin to put some files in one of the /app/Default_repo/Input/ folders.