
Google safebrowsing SQL storage implementation

1.0.0 2017-12-21 12:52 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-19 15:07:08 UTC


This package provides a sql storage backend for the web2all/safebrowsingv4 package. This storage backend has been built with the web2all/framework.

The web2all/safebrowsingv4-sqlstorage is no longer actively maintained.

What is in this package

It contains a GoogleSafeBrowsing_Updater_IStorage and GoogleSafeBrowsing_Lookup_IStorage implementation which stores its data in a database. Only tested with MySQL and sqlite (see tests).


Install using composer (eg. composer create-project web2all/safebrowsingv4-sqlstorage).

See documentation of web2all/safebrowsingv4 for usage and replace the $storage by:

$storage = $web2all->Plugin->Web2All_GoogleSafeBrowsing_SQLStorage_Engine($db);

Where $db is a ADOConnection object (see adodb/adodb-php package) to the database where the hash prefixes are to be stored.

To initialize the database, import the schema from the database directory. Currently there is only a scheme for mysql, but if you convert it to your database brand it will probably work.


Web2All safebrowsingv4 is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).