
Doctrine ORM type & helper classes

2.11.0 2024-05-16 09:20 UTC


This is a library with additional classes for usage in combination with the Doctrine ORM.

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Enable Postgres specific DQL functions

CAST implements the corresponding function from Postgres to convert types:

$queryBuilder->expr()->like('CAST(u.varchar, \'text\'))', ':parameterName')

CONTAINS allows to use the postgres-only "@>" operator to search for values within jsonb fields or arrays.

$qb->andWhere("CONTAINS(u.numbers, :number) = true")
   ->setParameter('number', 3);

JSON_CONTAINS_TEXT allows to use the postgres-only "?" operator to search for strings within jsonb fields. This for example allows to filter Symfony users correctly by role, e.g. if you use role names that are part of others (ROLE_SUPER & ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN) where using LIKE would fail.

$qb->andWhere("JSON_CONTAINS_TEXT(u.roles, :searchRole) = true")
   ->setParameter('searchRole', 'ROLE_ADMIN');

JSON_FIELD_AS_TEXT allows to use the postgres-only "->>" operator to get JSON data within a jsonb fields as string. This for example allows to search for records that embed JSON, e.g. if you store metadata or addresses:

$qb->andWhere("JSON_FIELD_AS_TEXT('u.address, :addrField) = :addrValue")
    ->setParameter('addrField', 'city')
    ->setParameter('addrValue', 'Dresden');

Add to config/packages/doctrine.yaml:

                CAST: Vrok\DoctrineAddons\ORM\Query\AST\CastFunction
                CONTAINS: Vrok\DoctrineAddons\ORM\Query\AST\ContainsFunction
                JSON_CONTAINS_TEXT: Vrok\DoctrineAddons\ORM\Query\AST\JsonContainsTextFunction
                JSON_FIELD_AS_TEXT: Vrok\DoctrineAddons\ORM\Query\AST\JsonFieldAsTextFunction

Enable types in Symfony


            # force all dates/times to be stored in UTC
                name: datetime_immutable
                class: Vrok\DoctrineAddons\DBAL\Types\UTCDateTimeType

            # MariaDB does not support the JSON type, so we do not benefit from
            # validation/searching/path syntax etc. Also it uses a LONGTEXT
            # instead, which has a performance hit because it is stored outside
            # the row and causes possible temp tables to be written to disk
                name: small_json
                class: Vrok\DoctrineAddons\DBAL\Types\SmallJsonType

Enable the MariadbTestDriver in Symfony


        # There is a bug in Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\Purger\ORMPurger
        # which causes tables that are target of a foreign key constraint to
        # be deleted before the association table(s), which in turn causes
        # "1701 Cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint"
        # So we use our custom driver to disable foreign key checks for TRUNCATE
        # because only with TRUNCATE instead of DELETE FROM we ensure the same
        # autoincrement IDs for fixtures in tests
        # "driver" left blank intentionally
        driver_class: Vrok\DoctrineAddons\DAL\Driver\MariadbTestDriver

Enable the PostgreSQLTestDriver in Symfony


        # Default purge/TRUNCATE behavior of Postgres does not reset autoincrement
        # values, so we use our custom driver to reset identities for TRUNCATE.
        # "driver" left blank intentionally
        driver_class: Vrok\DoctrineAddons\DAL\Driver\PostgreSQLTestDriver

Lockable entities

Implementing a simple LockableInterface allows unified handling of different entities that can be locked/unlocked by admins etc. The provided interface makes very little assumptions about your code, except that each entity can be locked/unlocked at any time (regardless of other states the entity might have).

The LockableTrait provides an opinionated implementation of that interface, by specifying a boolean property locked that defaults to false and that has a Symfony group attribute of default:read.

Slugs with correct umlauts in Symfony

Add this to your services.yaml to have ae, ue, oe in your slugs instead of a, u, o for ä, ü, ö.
This also handles some other chars, e.g. accents.

        class: Gedmo\Sluggable\SluggableListener
            - { name: doctrine.event_subscriber, connection: default }
            - [ setAnnotationReader, [ "@annotation_reader" ] ] # only if you still use annotations
            - [ setTransliterator, [ [ 'Vrok\DoctrineAddons\Util\UmlautTransliterator', 'transliterate' ] ] ]

Import / export entities from / to arrays

Short Example, for more details see ExportEntity / ImportEntity and ExportTest / ImportTest for all features. Allows to export referenced entities (or only their identifiers) and collections.

use Vrok\DoctrineAddons\ImportExport\ExportableEntity;
use Vrok\DoctrineAddons\ImportExport\ExportableProperty;
use Vrok\DoctrineAddons\ImportExport\Helper;
use Vrok\DoctrineAddons\ImportExport\ImportableEntity;
use Vrok\DoctrineAddons\ImportExport\ImportableProperty;

class Entity
    public int $id = 0;

    public ?DateTimeImmutable $timestamp = null;

$entity = new Entity();
$entity->id = 1;
$entity->timestamp = new Datetime();

$helper = new Helper();
$export = $helper->toArray($entity);

// $export === [
//     'id'        => 1,
//     'timestamp' => '2022-03-23....',
// ]

$newInstance = $helper->fromArray($export, Entity::class);