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Auryn based event dispatching

dev-master 2016-06-07 05:58 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-08 17:43:23 UTC


Auryn event dispatching


A very small library to work with simple events.

The whole point of this library is to allow Auryn to inject dependencies straight to your event methods.


composer require vlakarados/eventure


  • Create a class and extend \Eventure\Dispatcher

Any public method in this class will be a registered event for the corresponding dispatcher.

Two functions are used by the parent dispatcher class that may not be overriden (restricted event names): dispatch(), hasEvent().

  • Inject the class instance in any other object across your project and use the dispatch($eventName) method to send the event.


Examples are in the example/ directory, the ExampleDispatcher and the test bootstrap file.


  • Callback dispatchers
  • Remove method restriction
  • Better README.md
  • Better documentation
  • Any documentation, actually
  • Dispatcher class factory (?)
  • Static event calls like \App\Dispatchers\User::dispatch('logIn', array('userId' => 12345)) or \App\Dispatchers\User::logIn(array('userId' => 12345)) (?)