
Parse emails from banks into usable information

dev-master 2022-11-09 19:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-09 23:16:27 UTC


#Bank Email Parser

Php library for parse emails from czech banks over IMAP protocol built with OOP.

Installation & Requirements

Application need third party IMAP library. The recommended way to install the IMAP library is through Composer:

$ composer require ddeboer/imap

This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.


Connect and Authenticate

use ImapBankParser\Parser;

$emails = new Parser(
    string '',   // required
    string '',    // required 
    string 'emailpassword',    // required
    string $port,              // defautl '993'
    string $flags,             // default '/imap/ssl/validate-cert'
    array $parameters          // default []


Default box for finding is INBOX, but you can set specific box in mail:



#####All emails in box:


#####Finding specific emails in box:

If you need only emails received from specific email address you must create search expression:

$search = new SearchExpression();
$search->addCondition(new From(''));


You can combine search expression:

$search->addCondition(new Subject());
$search->addCondition(new Keyword());

All options can be found in ddeboer/imap library folder or library GITHUB page

#####Parsing Emails

For parsing emails you must set bank parser:


#####Deleting Emails


####Get parsed emails and delete
