
NSY is a simple PHP Framework that works well on MVC or HMVC mode

v6.1.1 2024-06-12 07:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-12 10:01:08 UTC


NSY PHP Framework Example with HTML5 Boilerplate and Foundation CSS Framework. This also provides Font-Awesome and several optimizations for Datatables plugin.

This is an example of a CRUD program & homepage using the NSY Framework (Shyffon Project), i hope it can be useful for everyone to start using NSY as the project framework. I made this because I know that everyone loves Enjoy it!

Site example :

How to dating with Shyffon?

Download from Github

  • Download source from this link
  • Simply rename the source folder that has been downloaded to shyffon & copy it to your html or htdocs or anythings folder.
  • For apache, please go to the docs/apache folder and read the Readme.txt.
// Apache Readme.txt
1. Copy .htaccess inside 'for_public' folder to 'public' folder
2. Copy .htaccess inside 'for_root' folder to 'root(shyffon)' folder
  • Go to the docs/env.example folder and copy the env.example to root folder, and rename it to env.
  • Import database example. (see below)
  • And save the date..

From Composer

Install NSY by creating a new directory called blog

composer create-project --prefer-dist vikry/shyffon blog

Restart Bash

source ~/

NSY Setup

cd blog && nsy --setup

Enter directory name >
For nginx, please go to the `docs/nginx` folder and read the `Readme.txt` too.

// Nginx Readme.txt
1. Open 'sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default'
2. Copy the text in the 'default' file and paste it to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
3. And restart nginx service, 'sudo service nginx restart'

Database Example

There is an example database (sql file) in the dump folder. You can restore the sql file to a database that you created yourself.

Shyffon contain package

Browser support test

NSY is made with Foundation CSS Framework. This information is based on Foundation Compatibility.

Foundation is tested across many browsers and devices, and works back as far as IE9 and Android 2.


Chrome Last Two Versions
Mobile Safari1
IE Mobile
Internet Explorer Versions 9+
Android Browser Versions 4.4+

1iOS 7+ is actively supported but with some known bugs.

What Won't Work?

  • The Grid: Foundation's grid uses box-sizing: border-box to apply gutters to columns, but this property isn't supported in IE8.
  • Desktop Styles: Because the framework is written mobile-first, browsers that don't support media queries will display the mobile styles of the site.
  • JavaScript: Our plugins use a number of handy ECMAScript 5 features that aren't supported in IE8.

This doesn't mean that NSY cannot be used in older browsers, just that we'll ensure compatibility with the ones mentioned above. NSY Browser support information based on Foundation Zurb Compatibility.

NSY Framework

NSY is a simple PHP Framework that works well on MVC or HMVC mode.

Site example :

See further explanation here... NSY Documentation (Documentation is undercontruction, sorry for many information have been missed)


The code is available under the MIT license..