
There is no license information available for the latest version (1.2.0) of this package.

1.2.0 2022-07-27 13:37 UTC

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Last update: 2024-04-27 17:20:54 UTC


This repository contains implementation for Verifone BlueCommerce Payment Gateway used in Nordics. Not compatible with the Verifone Global eCommerce Gateway (

Table of Contents

1. Installation

composer require verifone/core

2. Basic information

2.1 Contact

If you want to contact support or customer service, please send an email to:

2.2 Configuration - Development mode

Library provides functionality for development mode.

For development mode, you have to use a configuration like the below:

Configuration Value
Merchant id demo-merchant-agreement
Hosted interface URL
Server interface URL

Library provides test keys:

  • private key for the shop available in the Verifone/Core/Tests/Integration/Assets/demo-merchant-agreement-private.pem
  • public key for the payment service available in the Verifone/Core/Tests/Integration/Assets/point-e-commerce-test-public-key.pem

If you want to use development mode, you have to contact the customer service because our IT department must add the IP to the allowed list

2.3 Configuration - Production mode

For production mode, you have to add a possibility to generate a new key pair and provide the public key into the payment service. Code example for generating a new pair is available here: 3.2 Generate RSA keys

Verifone public key could be found from TCS Client portal by the merchant.

For production mode, you have to use a configuration like in the example below:

Configuration Value
Merchant id EC970xxxx
Hosted interface URL and
Server interface URL and

Merchant id could be found from TCS Client by the merchant.

2.4 Delayed URL / S2S Callback

Verifone Service sends a request on the URL with information about the transaction. When the response code is different from 200, Verifone Service will repeat the request 24h since the original request.

Merchant has to provide that delayed URL into Verifone’s TCS Client, so must have a possibility to get that URL from the module.

3. Usage

That library has integration and unit tests. If you want, you could find more information about implementation examples there.

3.1 Fetch available payment methods

Each merchant has its own payment methods. To fetch all available payment methods, you have to use GetAvailablePaymentMethodsService.

After fetch payment methods, you should store them in the system.

3.1.1 Code example:



use \Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Configuration\Backend\GetAvailablePaymentMethodsConfigurationImpl;
use \Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\CoreResponse\PaymentMethodImpl;
use \Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Transporter\CoreResponse;
use \Verifone\Core\ExecutorContainer;
use \Verifone\Core\Executor\BackendServiceExecutor;
use \Verifone\Core\ServiceFactory;
use \Verifone\Core\Service\Backend\GetAvailablePaymentMethodsService;

$configObject = new GetAvailablePaymentMethodsConfigurationImpl(
    file_get_contents('vendor/verifone/core/Verifone/Core/Tests/Integration/Assets/demo-merchant-agreement-private.pem'), // merchant private key
    'demo-merchant-agreement', // merchant agreement code
    'testSystem', // software name
    '', // software version
    [''], // payment service URLs
    '978', // currency used in system - in example EUR
    false // disable Rsa Blinding

/** @var GetAvailablePaymentMethodsService $service */
$service = ServiceFactory::createService($configObject, 'Backend\GetAvailablePaymentMethodsService');
$container = new ExecutorContainer();

/** @var BackendServiceExecutor $exec */
$exec = $container->getExecutor('backend');

/** @var CoreResponse $response */
$response = $exec->executeService($service, file_get_contents('vendor/verifone/core/Verifone/Core/Tests/Integration/Assets/point-e-commerce-test-public-key.pem'));

if (!$response->getStatusCode()) {
    return null;

$body = $response->getBody();
$availableMethods = ['all']; // Default payment method - redirects to page with possibility to select payment methods

/** @var PaymentMethodImpl $item */
foreach ($body as $item) {
    $availableMethods[] = $item->getCode();

// Now, you could store $availableMethods in the database.

All available payment methods in the notes section: Payment Methods

3.2 Generate RSA keys

To enable live (production) mode, the merchant must provide the shop public key to the Verifone customer service. Public and private keys are using in each request/response action with the Verifone service.

Library provides functionality for generating new key pairs.

3.2.1 Code example



use \Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\CryptUtils\RsaKeyGenerator;

$generator = new RsaKeyGenerator();
$result = $generator->generate();

if ($result) {
    // You could store keys in the file or in the database
    // For example
    file_put_contents('shop_public_key.pem', $generator->getPublicKey());
    file_put_contents('shop_private_key.pem', $generator->getPrivateKey());
} else {
    // RSA keys are not generated properly.

3.3 Make payment request

3.3.1 Code example



use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Configuration\Frontend\FrontendConfigurationImpl;
use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Configuration\Frontend\RedirectUrlsImpl;
use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Service\AddressImpl;
use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Service\CustomerImpl;
use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Service\OrderImpl;
use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Service\PaymentInfoImpl;
use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Service\ProductImpl;
use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Service\TransactionImpl;
use Verifone\Core\ExecutorContainer;
use Verifone\Core\Service\Frontend\CreateNewOrderService;
use Verifone\Core\ServiceFactory;

$urls = new RedirectUrlsImpl(
    '', // Return URL for success payment action
    '', // Return URL for rejected payment action
    '', // Return URL for cancelled payment action
    '', // Return URL for expired payment action
    '' // Return URL for error payment action

$address = new AddressImpl(
    'Street 1', // Address - line 1
    '', // Address - line 2
    '', // Address - line 3
    'Helsinki', // City
    '00100', // Postal code
    '246', // Country code
    'John', // First name
    'Doe' // Last name

$customer = new CustomerImpl(
    'John', // First name
    'Doe', // Last name
    '0401234567', // Phone number
    '', // Email number

$order = new OrderImpl(
    '1000000260', // Order identification number
    '2021-05-23 11:58:16', // Order create date
    '978', // Currency code
    '1845', // Order total include tax
    '1500', // Order total exclude tax
    '345' // Order tax

$container = new ExecutorContainer(array(ExecutorContainer::REQUEST_CONVERTER => ExecutorContainer::REQUEST_CONVERTER_TYPE_HTML));
$executor = $container->getExecutor('frontend');

$config = new FrontendConfigurationImpl(
    '1' // skip confirmation page after success payment
 * @var CreateNewOrderService $service
$service = ServiceFactory::createService($config, 'Frontend\CreateNewOrderService');

$product1 = new ProductImpl(
    'Test product', // Product name
    '1000', // Unit price, tax excluded. Price for EUR is provided in cents - applicable for all price fields
    '1000', // Price for all units, tax excluded
    '1230', // Price for all units, tax included
    '1', // Quantity
    '0' // Discount for product
$product2 = new ProductImpl(
$payment = new PaymentInfoImpl(
    'fi_FI', // Payment page language
    PaymentInfoImpl::SAVE_METHOD_AUTO_NO_SAVE // Save method 

$transactionInfo = new TransactionImpl(
    'visa', // Payment method 
    '' // Payment number - mostly used for refund


$form = $executor->executeService($service, array(''));

Now you could attach $form on the HTML page, and it automatically will redirect customers into payment service.

If you want to get data as a json (array) you could use that code for create $container

$container = new ExecutorContainer(array(ExecutorContainer::REQUEST_CONVERTER => ExecutorContainer::REQUEST_CONVERTER_TYPE_JSON));

3.4 Parse payment response

Verifone has functionality for resending the payment confirmation. But, for that, you have to create a controller that will handle the same response as the regular one.

3.4.1 Code example



use \Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Service\OrderImpl;
use \Verifone\Core\ServiceFactory;
use \Verifone\Core\Service\FrontendResponse\FrontendResponseServiceImpl;
use \Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Transporter\CoreResponse;
use \Verifone\Core\ExecutorContainer;
use \Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\CoreResponse\PaymentResponseImpl;
use \Verifone\Core\Converter\Response\CoreResponseConverter;

$exampleResponse = [
    'i-f-1-11_interface-version' => '5',
    'i-f-1-3_order-currency-code' => '978',
    'l-f-1-20_order-gross-amount' => '1845',
    'l-f-1-20_transaction-number' => '4516533313',
    's-f-1-10_software-version' => '',
    's-f-1-30_payment-method-code' => 'visa',
    's-f-1-36_order-number' => '1000000260',
    's-t-1-26_filing-code' => '210418261011',
    's-t-1-36_order-note' => '',
    's-t-256-256_signature-one' => '6F7E4A2DAACA57C0AA91F933A6C991DDA38B0E17B6438334478846E42D0C9D6BC3FDFEA02B9B7E21296BA51BCC992181E1D79DBF81382EFFE1BF48A5F689F46AD1B7BB35061C9183733A3C0C3E5463759B4F8DE18EAEC2A8F85A89FE5C79EA0D712C79DBF58D91A542AEC8918DF09DA4663A4C1E66BF665099C512CBB45D8BCA',
    's-t-256-256_signature-two' => '7849E6D685D09C1E8A365BFA5CA46519E040BDB6ABDD4739779248FD7E4DE474473BB96FCD1B05E709B97013DEB94390CB7BE9100668B5F162C09A921CF559F469C8FE5F21AB6981246458C7F7735535215C7CF9BCC9D60F5FD1E8AC998D255B24944522EC781BE1E11F7BE58395E646898D18008E85509222154E51B2A7911C',
    't-f-14-19_order-timestamp' => '2021-05-23 11:58:16',

/** @var FrontendResponseServiceImpl $service */
$service = ServiceFactory::createResponseService($exampleResponse);

$orderNumber = $service->getOrderNumber();

// order information
$order = new OrderImpl(
    '2021-05-23 11:58:16',

/** @var FrontendResponseServiceImpl $service */
$container = new ExecutorContainer(array('responseConversion.class' => 'Converter\Response\FrontendServiceResponseConverter'));
$exec = $container->getExecutor(ExecutorContainer::EXECUTOR_TYPE_FRONTEND_RESPONSE);

/** @var CoreResponse $parseResponse */
$parsedResponse = $exec->executeService($service, file_get_contents('vendor/verifone/core/Verifone/Core/Tests/Integration/Assets/point-e-commerce-test-public-key.pem'));

/** @var PaymentResponseImpl $body */
$responseBody = $parsedResponse->getBody();
$validate = true;

if ($parsedResponse->getStatusCode() == CoreResponseConverter::STATUS_OK
    && empty($responseBody->getCancelMessage())
) {
    $transactionId = $responseBody->getTransactionNumber();
    $paymentMethod = $responseBody->getPaymentMethodCode();
    // Store $paymentMethod and $transactionId in the order data
    // If you need, you could fetch paid amount with: `$responseBody->getOrderGrossAmount() / 100;`

3.5 Check payment status

Sometimes payment verification could take more time for many reasons.

For example, customers could close the browser tab before returning to the shop or verify if the order is refunded (partially or total).

For that (and similar) cases, you could create (for example) a cron task that fetches all transactions for the order or a controller action.

Cron functionality is not required when you create delayed success action. Verifone Service sends a request on the URL with information about the transaction. When the response code is different from 200, Verifone Service will repeat the request 24h since the original request.

3.5.1 Code example


use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Configuration\Backend\BackendConfigurationImpl;
use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Service\OrderImpl;
use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Service\TransactionImpl;
use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Transporter\CoreResponse;
use Verifone\Core\Executor\BackendServiceExecutor;
use Verifone\Core\ExecutorContainer;
use Verifone\Core\Service\Backend\GetPaymentStatusService;
use Verifone\Core\Service\Backend\ListTransactionNumbersService;
use Verifone\Core\ServiceFactory;


$config = new BackendConfigurationImpl(

$order = new OrderImpl(

/** @var ListTransactionNumbersService $service */
$service = ServiceFactory::createService($config, 'Backend\ListTransactionNumbersService');

$container = new ExecutorContainer();

/** @var BackendServiceExecutor $executor */
$executor = $container->getExecutor('backend');

/** @var CoreResponse $response */
$response = $executor->executeService($service, file_get_contents('vendor/verifone/core/Verifone/Core/Tests/Integration/Assets/point-e-commerce-test-public-key.pem'));

$transactions = $response->getStatusCode() ? $response->getBody() : [];

/** @var TransactionImpl $transaction */
foreach ($transactions as $transaction) {
    $transaction = new TransactionImpl($transaction->getMethodCode(), $transaction->getNumber());

    /** @var GetPaymentStatusService $service */
    $paymentStatusService = ServiceFactory::createService($config, 'Backend\GetPaymentStatusService');

    $response = $executor->executeService($paymentStatusService, file_get_contents('vendor/verifone/core/Verifone/Core/Tests/Integration/Assets/point-e-commerce-test-public-key.pem'));

3.6 Make refund request

3.6.1 Code example


use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Configuration\Backend\BackendConfigurationImpl;
use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Service\TransactionImpl;
use Verifone\Core\Executor\BackendServiceExecutor;
use Verifone\Core\ExecutorContainer;
use Verifone\Core\Service\Backend\RefundPaymentService;
use Verifone\Core\ServiceFactory;


$config = new BackendConfigurationImpl(

$transaction = new TransactionImpl(
    'visa', // Payment method
    '4516533313', // Transaction code
    '100', // Refund amount
    '978' // Currency code - EUR in the example

/** @var RefundPaymentService $service */
$service = ServiceFactory::createService($config, 'Backend\RefundPaymentService');

$container = new ExecutorContainer();
/** @var BackendServiceExecutor $executor */
$executor = $container->getExecutor('backend');

$response = $executor->executeService($service, file_get_contents('vendor/verifone/core/Verifone/Core/Tests/Integration/Assets/point-e-commerce-test-public-key.pem'));

// if success then store information about refund

4516533313 is the transaction number from the payment response. See $transactionId in 3.4.1

3.7 Credit Cards

3.7.1 Add a new card - code example



use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Configuration\Frontend\FrontendConfigurationImpl;
use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Configuration\Frontend\RedirectUrlsImpl;
use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Service\AddressImpl;
use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Service\CustomerImpl;
use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Service\OrderImpl;
use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Service\PaymentInfoImpl;
use Verifone\Core\ExecutorContainer;
use Verifone\Core\Service\Frontend\AddNewCardService;
use Verifone\Core\ServiceFactory;

$urls = new RedirectUrlsImpl(

$address = new AddressImpl(
    'Street 1',

$customer = new CustomerImpl(

$order = new OrderImpl(
    '2021-05-23 11:58:16',

$container = new ExecutorContainer(array(ExecutorContainer::REQUEST_CONVERTER => ExecutorContainer::REQUEST_CONVERTER_TYPE_HTML));
$executor = $container->getExecutor('frontend');

$config = new FrontendConfigurationImpl(

 * @var AddNewCardService $service
$service = ServiceFactory::createService($config, 'Frontend\AddNewCardService');

$payment = new PaymentInfoImpl('fi_FI', PaymentInfoImpl::SAVE_METHOD_SAVE_ONLY);

$form = $executor->executeService($service, array(''));

Now you could attach $form on the HTML page, and it automatically will redirect customers into payment service.

If you want to get data as a JSON (array), you could use that code to create $container.

If you need to add Recurring Card, you could implement it like that:


use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Service\PaymentInfoImpl;
use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Service\RecurringImpl;

// Same implementation as above

$recurring = new RecurringImpl('Test', 'test');
$payment = new PaymentInfoImpl(

// Same implementation as above

3.7.2 Fetch available payment cards - code example



use Verifone\Core\Executor\BackendServiceExecutor;
use Verifone\Core\ExecutorContainer;
use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Configuration\Backend\BackendConfigurationImpl;
use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Service\CustomerImpl;
use Verifone\Core\Service\Backend\GetSavedCreditCardsService;
use Verifone\Core\ServiceFactory;

$customer = new CustomerImpl(

$config = new BackendConfigurationImpl(

/** @var GetSavedCreditCardsService $service */
$service = ServiceFactory::createService($config, 'Backend\GetSavedCreditCardsService');

$container = new ExecutorContainer();
/** @var BackendServiceExecutor $executor */
$executor = $container->getExecutor('backend');

$response = $executor->executeService($service, file_get_contents('vendor/verifone/core/Verifone/Core/Tests/Integration/Assets/point-e-commerce-test-public-key.pem'));

3.7.3 Remove payment card - code example



use Verifone\Core\Executor\BackendServiceExecutor;
use Verifone\Core\ExecutorContainer;
use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Service\PaymentInfoImpl;
use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Configuration\Backend\BackendConfigurationImpl;
use Verifone\Core\DependencyInjection\Service\CustomerImpl;
use Verifone\Core\Service\Backend\RemoveSavedCreditCardsService;
use Verifone\Core\ServiceFactory;

$customer = new CustomerImpl(

$config = new BackendConfigurationImpl(

$payment = new PaymentInfoImpl(
    '123456789' // Saved payment method id

/** @var RemoveSavedCreditCardsService $service */
$service = ServiceFactory::createService($config, 'Backend\RemoveSavedCreditCardsService');

$container = new ExecutorContainer();
/** @var BackendServiceExecutor $executor */
$executor = $container->getExecutor('backend');

$response = $executor->executeService($service, file_get_contents('vendor/verifone/core/Verifone/Core/Tests/Integration/Assets/point-e-commerce-test-public-key.pem'));

4 Notes

4.1 Payment Methods

code type name
all ALL All In One
visa CARD Visa
master-card CARD Mastercard
dankort CARD Dankort
amex CARD American Express
diners CARD Diners
s-pankki-verkkomaksu BANK S-pankki
aktia-maksu BANK Aktia
op-pohjola-verkkomaksu BANK OP-Pohjola
nordea-e-payment BANK Nordea
sampo-web-payment BANK Danske Bank
tapiola-verkkomaksu BANK Tapiola
handelsbanken-e-payment BANK Handelsbanken
alandsbanken-e-payment BANK Ålandsbanken
saastopankin-verkkomaksu BANK Säästöpankki
pop-pankin-verkkomaksu BANK POP Pankki
oma-saastopankin-verkkomaksu BANK Oma Säästöpankki
mobilepay BANK MobilePay
masterpass BANK MasterPass
svea-webpay-installment INVOICE Svea Osamaksu
svea-webpay-invoice INVOICE Svea Lasku
invoice-collector INVOICE Collector Lasku
euroloan-invoice INVOICE Euroloan Lasku
enterpay-invoice INVOICE Enterpay Yrityslasku
paypal INVOICE Paypal
afterpay-invoice INVOICE Riverty
swish ELECTRONIC Swish
siirto ELECTRONIC Siirto

4.2 Currency

The system uses currency code in the ISO 4217 standard. More information:


  • EUR - 978
  • SEK - 752

4.3 Language

Available languages in the payment service:

  • fi_FI
  • sv_SE
  • no_NO
  • dk_DK
  • sv_FI
  • en_GB

If you use code, which is not available, then en_GB will be used as a default.

4.4 Country

The system uses country codes in the numeric ISO 3166-1 standard. More information: