
Composer plugin that integrates the University of Texas Enterprise Authentication on Pantheon for the UT Drupal Kit

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4.0.0 2024-01-04 14:44 UTC


This is a Composer plugin that integrates the University of Texas Enterprise Authentication on Pantheon for the UT Drupal Kit.

Full user documentation can be found at https://drupalkit.its.utexas.edu/docs/getting_started/pantheon_setup.html#integrating-enterprise-authentication

Architectural overview

Getting the University's SAML-based sign-in method (Enterprise Authentication) working with Drupal, on Pantheon, involves a coordination of different components. The following provides a high-level explanation of how the pieces fit together:

  1. Enterprise Authentication: the login system, developed and maintained by the University's Information and Access Management (IAM) team that allows applications to use EID-based authentication. It supports Security Assertion Markup Language version 2.0 (SAML 2). In Single Sign On (SSO) terminology, this acts as the Identity Provider (IdP).
  2. simplesamlphp library: a third-party library which provides the business logic to handle SAML requests in PHP. It has a large collection of sub-libraries. We use only the base library. In SSO terminology, it acts as the Service Provider (SP).
  3. pantheon_saml_data. This is a collection of certificate and metadata attributes that authorize the simplesamlphp library to talk to Enterprise Authentication. These were provisioned in coordination with the IAM team.
  4. simplesamlphp_auth: A Drupal module that integrates the request/response API from simplesamlphp into Drupal's authentication system. Specifically, it provides a way for Drupal to redirect users to Enterprise Authentication and then evaluate the response sent back after a login and take action with Drupal's user login/registration system based on that response. We also use this module on some sites to do EID-affiliation-based authorization, such as allowing EID holders with the affiliation current-staff to receive the Drupal role staff.
  5. pantheon_saml_integration: a Composer plugin developed by the WCMS team to connect the above components in the Pantheon filesystem. This plugin, for example, creates a required symlink at /simplesaml for the simplesamlphp library, and symlinks for the certificates and metadata from Pantheon's private file system. As a Composer plugin distributed on Packagist that has a dependency on simplesamlphp_auth, it is the only package sites need to require in their composer.json to have all the elements needed in the codebase.

2023 simplesamlphp fork

Drupal 10 has a dependency on Symfony 6. At the beginning of 2023, when our team was working on upgrading sites to Drupal 10, there was no stable release of simplesamlphp that was compatible with Symfony 6.


After substantial research, our team decided that the best option would be to temporarily provide a fork of the simplesamlphp library that was compatible with Symfony 6.

Doing so required additional forking of the Drupal module simplesamlphp_auth to change its requirement from simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp to utexas/simplesamlphp (our fork), and an additional Composer plugin, utexas/simplesaml-fork-installer, to relocate our fork into the expected location of the original library.

The visual below illustrates the relationship of these packages for the 2023 fork methodology:

Dependency tree of simplesaml components