
Unifact connector

v1.3.1 2017-02-17 14:33 UTC



Unifact Connector package for Laravel 5.2


composer require unifact/connector
  1. Add Unifact\Connector\ConnectorServiceProvider to app providers config

  2. Run php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Unifact\Connector\ConnectorServiceProvider" to copy the assets, config and migrations.

  3. Run php artisan migrate, there are three tables the system uses.

  4. Configure the following .env settings:

    • CONNECTOR_DOMAIN: The full domain the connector routes are available on (default: 'connector.local.dev')
    • CONNECTOR_PREFIX: Prefix so we don't get route collisions with app routes (default: '/cnr')
    • CONNECTOR_USER: Username to access the connector
    • CONNECTOR_PASS: Password to access the connector (must be hashed with sha1)
    • CONNECTOR_QUEUE_HIGH: Name of the high priority queue
    • CONNECTOR_QUEUE_LOW: Name of the low priority queue
    • CONNECTOR_QUEUE_HIGH_THRESHOLD: The threshold needed for a job to become high priority

    The connector needs (need is a big word, but it's smart to do it like this) both a subdomain and a routing prefix in order to work without conflict with your application.

  5. Look at the /config/connector.php file and optionally turn on Hipchat logging (various other logging methods are available and configurable).

  6. Turn your browser to the configured url and try to log in.

How to use

  • Resolve JobProviderContract through the service container to insert connector jobs.
  • Listen for the ConnectorRegisterEvent to register JobHandlers and/or CronHandlers.

Run php artisan connector:run to perform the cron event and handle all connector jobs.