
Rigatoni - A simple dish - made of fresh SQL migrations.

v1.1 2020-07-08 17:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-20 02:11:25 UTC


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A simple dish - made of fresh SQL migrations.

What is it?

  • Rigatoni manages SQL migrations.
  • It uses plain old SQL files. No need to learn a new framework.
  • It's heavily inspired by tools like Flyway or Phinx.
  • It should be easy and intuitive to use.
  • Use it via commandline interface (CLI) or write your own integration.
  • It can be used as stand-alone application to manage your DB migrations.
  • It can be integrated into your project as composer package.


  • Migrations are written in plain old SQL.
  • There are only 3 types of migrations.
    • Versioned-Migrations: Only executed once and the filename needs to start with V and followed by the version.
    • Repeatable migrations: Executed every time the migration runs. The filename needs to start with R and is not versioned.
    • Undo-Migrations. The filename needs to start with U and followed by the version. It must be called with a specific version.
  • Every Versioned-Migration should have a corresponding Undo-Migration.
  • New Migrations are always in state PENDING.
  • Each SQL statement of a migration will be executed separately.
    • If one statement fails, the whole migration will be marked as FAILED. All errors are listed in the migrations-table.
    • Successful executed migrations will be marked with SUCCESS.
  • Versioned migrations will be executed in ascending order by version. Repeatable migrations are executed afterwards.
  • If you want to revert a migration, call the Undo-Migration.
    • All Undo-Migrations with version >= the passed version will be executed.
    • The reverted migration will be marked as UNDONE again.
    • The Undo-Migration is marked with SUCCESS.
  • If you delete a migration entry from the migrations-table, but the migration-file still exists, it will be re-inserted as PENDING.
  • Paths are relative to project root. It is assumed, that is where we find the composer.json file.


  • init
    • Creates a new config file in project root directory.
  • check
    • Checks the configuration, the DB connection and if the folder for the SQL migrations exists.
  • setup
    • Creates a fresh table for the migration information.
  • migrate
    • Executes the pending migrations.
  • undo
    • Reverts executed migrations.

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Installation Use Git or Composer:

git clone https://github.com/unicate/rigatoni.git my-project-name
composer install --no-dev

Use the option --no-dev if you just want to run migrations. (Other dependencies are only for testing.)

composer create-project unicate/rigatoni my-project-name --no-dev


Init - Creates a config file in your project root.

./rigatoni init

Check - Does some config and connection checking.

./rigatoni check

Info - Shows all entries from migration table.

./rigatoni info

Setup - Migrations-table will be created. (existing will be dropped).

./rigatoni setup

Migrate - Executes versioned and repeatable migrations.

./rigatoni migrate

Undo migration

./rigatoni undo 004

Own Integration

In case you would like to write your own integration to use Rigatoni in your project just have a look at the MigrationFacade class and the methods provided.

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Disclaimer & License

This project is released under the MIT licence.

Thanks to The-Noun-Project for the logo: https://thenounproject.com/term/rigatoni/2447057/


Now go and build something and make people happy!