
Laravel package for sending emails


Fluent interface for composing and sending emails

This package was designed to work in a standalone project or in a cluster of projects which push messages into a master project/database which act as a collector.

If you use this package in cluster mode, make sure the process php artisan emails:dispatch-jobs is running on master project. This can be kept alive with supervisor

Upgrade from 8.x to 9.x

Amazon SES default webhooks configuration under Identity is no longer supported. Switch to configuration sets

  • add a new column to emails table called "metadata" TEXT nullable

Upgrade from 7.x to 8.x

  • addAttachment method signature was changed to addAttachment(TsfCorp\Email\Attachment $attachment). This object can be constructed via
use TsfCorp\Email\Attachment;

$attachment = Attachment::path('/path/to/file.txt');
$attachment = Attachment::path('/path/to/file.txt', 'custom_name.txt');
$attachment = Attachment::disk('s3')->setPath('/path/to/file.txt');
$attachment = Attachment::disk('s3')->setPath('/path/to/file.txt', 'custom_name.txt');

Upgrade from 6.x to 7.x

  • to cc, bcc and bounces_count columns have been removed from the emails table.
  • a new table was introduced, called email_recipients.
  • email_bounces table removed
  • new webhook_secret config value was added

In order to migrate older emails to the new structure, you have to:

  1. publish the new migration file for email_recipients and run the migration
  2. build a script which loops through current emails and insert the recipients for to, cc and bcc and execute it
  3. create a migration which should drop to, cc, bcc and bounces_count columns
  4. create a migration which removes the email_bounces table

Upgrade from 5.x to 6.x

  • This package now works only on laravel 9.x and php 8. For laravel 8.x and lower use previous versions.

Upgrade from 4.x to 5.x

  • dropped database_connection from config. Use setConnection() when creating a new email to save the email on a different database connection
  • EmailModel should no longer be used in userland. Create your own model which extends EmailModel

Upgrade from 3.x to 4.x

  • add a new TEXT "reply_to" nullable column in emails table

Upgrade from 2.x to 3.x

  • add a new "uuid" column in emails table
  • addAttachments(...$file_paths) method was removed


Require this package in your composer.json and update composer. Run the following command:

composer require tsfcorp/email

After updating composer, the service provider will automatically be registered and enabled using Auto-Discovery

If your Laravel version is less than 5.5, make sure you add the service provider within app.php config file.

'providers' => [
    // ...

Next step is to run the artisan command to install config file and optionally migration file. The command will guide you through the process.

php artisan email:install

Update config/email.php with your settings.


This package makes use of Laravel Queues/Jobs to send emails. Make sure the queue system is configured properly

Usage Instructions

use TsfCorp\Email\Email;
use TsfCorp\Email\Attachment;

$email = (new Email())
    ->body('Hi there!')

Use enqueue() method to save the message in database without sending. Useful when you want to just save the message but delay sending. Or when database_connection config value is another database and sending is performed from there.


Save the message and schedule a job to send the email


Email Providers

  • Mailgun
  • Amazon SES
  • Google SMTP
Note 1: In order to use Google SMTP you need at least PHP 7.1.3 and also require symfony/google-mailer in your composer.json
Note 2: If your Google Account has 2FA enabled you need to generate an "App Password" in your Google Acccount

Bounce Webhooks

If an email could not be sent to a recipient, the email provider can notify you about this. This package handles permanent failures webhooks for you.


Add http://app.example/webhook-mailgun link to "Permanent Failure" section within you mailgun webhooks settings.

Amazon SES

  1. Create a new topic under Amazon SNS
  2. Create a new subscription under the topic created above where you specify http://app.example/webhook-ses as endpoint
  3. After the subscription was created, AWS will make a post request to specified endpoint with an URL which should be used to confirm subscription. That url can be found in app logs. Copy and paste that in browser.
  4. Create a configuration set
  5. After the configuration set was created, configure Event Destination and select Amazon SNS where you select the topic created at step 1.