
A library for quick RESTful APIs

v2.8.0 2023-12-22 21:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-22 22:25:57 UTC


Phaster is a library for easily creating RESTful API endpoints. It works well with the Slim Framework, and supports PHP 7.4+.


composer require theodorejb/phaster


Create a class extending theodorejb\Phaster\Entities and implement the getMap() method. By default, the table name will be inferred from the class name, and all mapped columns in this table will be selected.

To join other tables and alter output values, implement the getBaseQuery() and getPropMap() methods. Pass the callable returned by the route handling functions to your Slim or other PSR-7 compatible framework.


use theodorejb\Phaster\{Entities, Prop, QueryOptions};

class Users extends Entities
    protected function getMap(): array
        // map properties to columns in Users table
        return [
            'username' => 'uname',
            'firstName' => 'fname',
            'lastName' => 'lname',
            'isDisabled' => 'disabled',
            'role' => [
                'id' => 'role_id',

    protected function getSelectProps(): array
        // map additional properties for selecting/filtering and set output options
        return [
            new Prop('id', col: 'u.user_id'),
            new Prop('isDisabled', col: 'u.disabled', type: 'bool'),
            new Prop('', col: 'u.role_id'),
            new Prop('', col: 'r.role_name'),

    protected function getBaseQuery(QueryOptions $options): string
        return "SELECT {$options->getColumns()}
                FROM Users u
                INNER JOIN Roles r ON r.role_id = u.role_id";

    protected function getDefaultSort(): array
        return ['username' => 'asc'];

If it is necessary to bind parameters in the base query, use getBaseSelect instead:

use PeachySQL\QueryBuilder\SqlParams;
// ...
protected function getBaseSelect(QueryOptions $options): SqlParams
    $sql = "WITH num_orders AS
                SELECT user_id, COUNT(*) as orders
                FROM Orders
                WHERE category_id = ?
                GROUP BY user_id
            SELECT {$options->getColumns()}
            FROM Users u
            INNER JOIN num_orders n ON n.user_id = u.user_id";

    return new SqlParams($sql, [321]);
// ...

use My\DatabaseFactory;
use theodorejb\Phaster\{Entities, EntitiesFactory};

class MyEntitiesFactory implements EntitiesFactory
    public function createEntities($class): Entities
        return new $class(DatabaseFactory::getDb());

use theodorejb\Phaster\RouteHandler;

$phaster = new RouteHandler(new MyEntitiesFactory());

$app->get('/users', $phaster->search(Users::class));
$app->get('/users/{id}', $phaster->getById(Users::class));
$app->post('/users', $phaster->insert(Users::class));
$app->put('/users/{id}', $phaster->update(Users::class));
$app->patch('/users/{id}', $phaster->patch(Users::class));
$app->delete('/users/{id}', $phaster->delete(Users::class));

Example API request/response


    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 25,
    "lastPage": true,
    "data": [
            "id": 5,
            "username": "Teddy01",
            "role": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Admin"
            "id": 38,
            "username": "only_tj",
            "role": {
                "id": 2,
                "name": "Standard"


Theodore Brown
