
Analise de logs apache httpd

dev-main 2022-07-19 00:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-19 04:00:52 UTC


A tool to analyze logs from an apache web server, with one or more domains and multiple log formats. Example output: result_example.png


  • PHP 7.3.0 or newer

Getting started

Download it standalone and install depedencies

git clone
cd httpd-analyzer
composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
php -f apache.php 

Or, install via Composer:

composer require tdsereno/httpd-analyzer

All start in instance the analyzer, like this:

$analyzer = new \Tdsereno\HttpdAnalyzer\Analyzer();

So, you can add log files, like this:

$analyzer->addFile(__DIR__ . '/logs/no_domain_acess.log');

Add a folder:

  foreach (glob(__DIR__ . '/logs/*.{*}', GLOB_BRACE) as $filename)

Set the max depth for show results:


So, after add the logs, you can proccess all files:


Output this in terminal:


Get the object and made yourself analityc, its return a array of Model\Httpd\LogGroup

$result = $analizer->getLogGroup();

Output to txt

php -f apache.php > file.txt

Filter a domain or a log file (if dont use the canonical Server name in log)


Filter a date period

$analizer->setMinDate('24/Jun/2022:23:30:00 -0300');
$analizer->setMaxDate('24/Jun/2022:23:59:00 -0300');

Log Format

In case of servers that host more than one domain, it is natural to want to analyze the accesses, individually, by default, according to the httpd documentation, the default log format is:

Default Log Format - Common Log Format (CLF)

"%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %O \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\""

My suggestion: (Have the The canonical ServerName of the server serving the request)

"%v %h %l %u %t  \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\""

In cent os, the conf file is loccated in:


On ubuntu is:


If you don't wanna change the log format, you can separete each ServerName im a log file


I tested with more than real 50 log files, in size of 3.7Gb

In a digital ocean droplet, with 1 VCPU Shared, 1GB RAM and SSD (using SWAP) - 8179 lines per seconds

Processed 57 files with size of 3740.6MB In a total of 12412537 lines with success on 12412537 lines in 1517 seconds about 8179 lines per seconds

In a digital ocean droplet, with 2 VCPU Decidated, 8GB RAM and SSD - 47784 lines per seconds

Processed 57 files with size of 3740.6MB In a total of 12412537 lines with success on 12412537 lines in 259 seconds about 47784 lines per seconds