
Module to collect product attributes and display them as bullet points

Installs: 30 132

Dependents: 1

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 1

Watchers: 8

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


1.2.0 2020-10-22 12:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-22 20:02:34 UTC


Extension which collects and display attributes as bullet points

1. Installation:

  • composer require snowdog/module-bullet-points
  • bin/magento module:enable Snowdog_BulletPoints
  • bin/magento setup:upgrade

2. Usage

The extension provides a CLI command which allows passing category IDs, attribute IDs and product IDs (this is optional) and will generate a HTML table with pairs like: attribute label | attribute value for the products assigned to the passed category IDs (if product IDs are also passed as parameter, then bullet points will be generated for these products if they're assigned to the passed category IDs). The generated table in HTML format will be set in selling_features_bullets attribute for each product, which can be shown in eg. product view. This module will generate HTML table based on attribute_ids ordering and will add <attribute_code>_label class for dt and <attribute_code>_value class for dd tags.

$ bin/magento snowdog:collect:bullet-points

  snowdog:collect:bullet-points <category-ids> <attribute-ids> [<skus>]

  category-ids          Category IDs
  attribute-ids         Sorted Product Attribute IDs
  skus                  Comma separated SKU list