
Institutional Look and Feel for D8

Installs: 10

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 3

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0



dev-master 2019-05-31 09:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 04:09:11 UTC



Drupal 8 theme based on the Open Europa Theme and the Europa Component Library (ECL).


This depends on the following software:


The recommended way of installing the theme is via a Composer.

In your Drupal project's main composer.json add the following dependency:

    "require": {
      "cnect-web/blellow": "dev-develop"

*TODO: We should verify the above reference. *

And run:

$ composer update


The Blellow Theme project contains all the necessary code and tools for an effective development process, meaning:

  • All PHP development dependencies (Drupal core included) are required in composer.json
  • All Node.js development dependencies are required in package.json
  • Project setup and installation can be easily handled thanks to the integration with the Task Runner project.
  • All system requirements are containerized using Docker Composer.
  • Every change to the code base will be automatically tested using Drone.

Project setup

Developing the theme requires a local copy of ECL assets, including Twig templates, SASS and JavaScript source files.

In order to fetch the required code you'll need to have Node.js (>= 8) installed locally.

To install required Node.js dependencies run:

$ npm install

To build the final artifacts run:

$ npm run build

This will compile all SASS and JavaScript files into self-contained assets that are exposed as Drupal libraries.

In order to download all required PHP code run:

composer install

This will build a fully functional Drupal site in the ./build directory that can be used to develop and showcase the theme.

Before setting up and installing the site make sure to customize default configuration values by copying runner.yml.dist to ./runner.yml and override relevant properties.

To set up the project run:

./vendor/bin/run drupal:site-setup

This will:

  • Symlink the theme in ./build/themes/custom/oe_theme so that it's available to the target site
  • Setup Drush and Drupal's settings using values from ./runner.yml.dist
  • Setup PHPUnit and Behat configuration files using values from ./runner.yml.dist

After a successful setup install the site by running:

./vendor/bin/run drupal:site-install

This will:

  • Install the target site
  • Set the OpenEuropa Theme as the default theme
  • Enable OpenEuropa Theme Demo and Configuration development modules

Using Docker Compose

Alternatively, you can build a development site using Docker and Docker Compose with the provided configuration.

Docker provides the necessary services and tools such as a web server and a database server to get the site running, regardless of your local host configuration.



By default, Docker Compose reads two files, a docker-compose.yml and an optional docker-compose.override.yml file. By convention, the docker-compose.yml contains your base configuration and it's provided by default. The override file, as its name implies, can contain configuration overrides for existing services or entirely new services. If a service is defined in both files, Docker Compose merges the configurations.

Find more information on Docker Compose extension mechanism on the official Docker Compose documentation.


To start, run:

docker-compose up

It's advised to not daemonize docker-compose so you can turn it off (CTRL+C) quickly when you're done working. However, if you'd like to daemonize it, you have to add the flag -d:

docker-compose up -d


docker-compose exec -u node node npm install
docker-compose exec -u node node npm run build
docker-compose exec web composer install
docker-compose exec web ./vendor/bin/run drupal:site-install

Using default configuration, the development site files should be available in the build directory and the development site should be available at:

Running the tests

To run the grumphp checks:

docker-compose exec web ./vendor/bin/grumphp run

To run the phpunit tests:

docker-compose exec web ./vendor/bin/phpunit

To run the behat tests:

docker-compose exec web ./vendor/bin/behat

Disable Drupal 8 caching

Manually disabling Drupal 8 caching is a laborious process that is well described here.

Alternatively, you can use the following Drupal Console command to disable/enable Drupal 8 caching:

./vendor/bin/drupal site:mode dev  # Disable all caches.
./vendor/bin/drupal site:mode prod # Enable all caches.

Note: to fully disable Twig caching the following additional manual steps are required:

  1. Open ./build/sites/default/services.yml
  2. Set cache: false in twig.config: property. E.g.:
       cache: false
  1. Rebuild Drupal cache: ./vendor/bin/drush cr

This is due to the following Drupal Console issue.

Working with ECL components

You can use the ECL components in your Twig templates by referencing them using the ECL Twig Loader as shown below:

{% include '@ecl/logos' with {
  'to': '',
  'title': 'European Commission',
} %}


{% include '@ec-europa/ecl-logos' with {
  'to': '',
  'title': 'European Commission',
} %}

JavaScript components can be accessed by ECL.methodName(), e.g. ECL.accordions().

Important: not all ECL templates are available to the theme for include, whenever you need include a new ECL template remember to add it to the copy section of ecl-builder.config.js and run:

npm run build

Update ECL

To update ECL components change the @ec-europa/ecl-preset-full version number in package.json and run:

$ npm install && npm run build

This will update assets such as images and fonts and re-compile CSS. Resulting changes are not meant to be committed to this repository.

Watching and re-compiling Sass and JS changes

To watch for Sass and JS file changes - /sass folder - in order to re-compile them to the destination folder:

npm run watch

Resulting changes are not meant to be committed to this repository.

Patching ECL components

ECL components can be patched by using the patch-package NPM project.

To patch a component:

  1. Modify its source files directly in ./node_modules/@ecl/[component-name]
  2. Run:
npx patch-package @ecl/[component-name]

Or, when using Docker Compose:

docker-compose exec -u node node npx patch-package @ecl/[component-name]

Patches will be generated in ./patches and applied when running npm install.

Patch the ECL build script

An improved version of the ecl-builder is used for this project. After the installation we should patch the script:


The theme needs the "OpenEuropa Theme Helper" module installed.


Style guide

The development environment will install the Styleguide module. The test page is available in the URL: