
An Apache Solr driver for laravel scout

1.0.16 2023-07-13 07:23 UTC

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Last update: 2024-05-13 09:08:54 UTC


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This package provides a basic implementation of the Apache Solr search engine within Laravel Scout.


composer require shopapps/scout-solr-engine


This package provides a config file that can be modified using .env variables.
You can initialize your own config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Scout\Solr\ScoutSolrServiceProvider"


By default, Solr doesn't allow indexes (cores) to be created without providing the proper folders and files on the file system first. However, if a default config set is set up in the Solr instance this becomes possible through the API.
The scout:index command will only work if the Solr instance is properly configured and the config files has the corresponding name for the config set folder. For more information, see

To get the _default configset onto your server try the following (adjusting the command to match your solr version/location:

sudo cp -r /opt/solr-9.2.1/server/solr/configsets /var/solr/data
sudo chown -R solr:solr /var/solr/data/configsets

then checking that folder you should see something like:

sudo ls -lah /var/solr/data/configsets/

total 16K
drwxr-xr-x  4 solr solr 4.0K Jul 13 07:03 .
drwxr-x--- 13 solr solr 4.0K Jul 13 07:03 ..
drwxr-xr-x  3 solr solr 4.0K Jul 13 07:03 _default
drwxr-xr-x  3 solr solr 4.0K Jul 13 07:03 sample_techproducts_configs

most likely you can safely delete the sample_techproducts_configs folder from there unless you are using it :-)

Cores (indexes)

Within the config file a core (index) is not provided. The engine will determine which core to connect to using the searchableAs() method on the model.

Alternatively, if a specific model is on a different Solr instance, another configuration can be provided for this model. It's important for the configuration key to match the searchableAs() of the model.

When in Cloud mode i could not get this to work fully, so instead you could try:

Step 1: Create a collection in solr via admin panel.

choose add collection and configure it across your shards and replicas ( for demo mode use shards: 2 and replicas: 2)

Step 2: Setup your schema in the Model

make sure your model is configured to use the correct Searchable trait


namespace App\Models\User;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;

use Scout\Solr\Traits\Searchable; // <--- THIS IS IMPORTANT

class User extends Model
    use HasFactory;
    use Searchable;

configure the searchable_fields property on your model, to use the schema you want to create in Solr.

protected $searchable_fields = [
        'id'            => ['type' => 'string', 'indexed' => true, 'stored' => true],
        'role_id'       => ['type' => 'plong', 'indexed' => true, 'stored' => true],
        'name'          => ['type' => 'string', 'indexed' => true, 'stored' => true],
        'description'   => ['type' => 'text_general', 'indexed' => true, 'stored' => true],
        'is_active'     => ['type' => 'boolean', 'indexed' => true, 'stored' => true],
        'created_at'    => ['type' => 'pdate', 'indexed' => true, 'stored' => true],
        'updated_at'    => ['type' => 'pdate', 'indexed' => true, 'stored' => true],

Step 3: Build the schema

$model = new \App\Models\User();

this will log any issues to the laravel log file


This package uses solarium/solarium to handle requests to the solr instance. This app is meant to be a simple implementation of the laravel/scout engine. For complex queries to the solr instance I would recommend initializing your own Solarium client and use that package. Visit to view the documentation of the solarium package.

For convenience, any unknown methods used on the engine will be forwarded to the solarium client.

$model = new \App\Models\SearchableModel();

/** @var \Scout\Solr\Engines\SolrEngine $engine */
$engine = app(\Laravel\Scout\EngineManager::class)->engine();
$select = $engine->setCore($model)->createSelect();
$result = $engine->select($select, $engine->getEndpointFromConfig($model->searchableAs())); // getEndpointFromConfig() is only necessary when your model does not use the default solr instance.


not the best example but you get the idea

$res = Product::search()
  ->where('owner', 1021)


$res = Product::search('description: "red" AND name: "car"')
  ->where('owner', 1021)


The Solr Engine dispatches several events allowing you to hook into specific points in the engine.

Event Usage
Scout\Solr\Events\BeforeSelect Contains the Solr Solarium\QueryType\Select\Query\Query object and Scout Builder object. This event allows you to create complex queries using the Solarium package.
Scout\Solr\Events\BeforeSelect Contains the Solr Solarium\QueryType\Select\Result\Result object and Model object. This event allows you to create complex queries using the Solarium package.


This is a complete hash-up of lots of other great developers work. I needed to get something working for a project but most packages were out of date for laravel 10, scout 10 and solr 9 If you spot your code in here, please accept my appology and let me know and i'll add you to the list: