
This bundle generates code for you

v0.3.0 2017-11-02 16:38 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-18 01:20:51 UTC


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This bundle gives some symfony commands to generate Commands, Events, ReadModels, and more, for Broadway.

This bundle is highly inspired by SensioGeneratorBundle


Install it with composer

composer require romaindesajardim/broadway-generator-bundle

and add it to your AppKernel.php

new RomainDeSaJardim\Bundle\BroadwayGeneratorBundle\BroadwayGeneratorBundle(),


Actually there is only one command available. More will come soon ...

Broadway Commands

This command generate a Broadway command and implements the handle method in the Broadway Command Handler automatically. You have just to add your parameters and code the handler.

php bin/console rdsj:broadway:generate-command

⚠️ If you use Symfony 2, use app/console instead of bin/console

This command need 3 inputs :

  • bundle (The bundle name where the Broadway Command will be generate)
  • name (The name of the Broadway Command you want)
  • command-handler Optionnal (The Command Handler's service id where the Broadway Command will be handle)

By default the command is run in the interactive mode and asks questions to determine values of thoose inputs

But if you want, you can run the command in a non-interactive mode and providing the needed inputs

php bin/console rdsj:broadway:generate-command --no-interaction FooBarBundle FooBar []


Imagine I have my Broadway Command Handler FooBarBundle\FooBarCommandHandler linked by a Symfony service :

<service id="" class="FooBarBundle\FooBarCommandHandler">
   <tag name="command_handler"/>

And I want to create a Broadway Command FooBar in the same bundle as my Command Handler FooBarBundle

So in a non interactive mode I have to launch this command :

php bin/console rdsj:broadway:generate-command --no-interaction FooBarBundle FooBar

The result will be :

A new file Command\FooBarCommand.php


namespace FooBarBundle\Command;

class FooBarCommand
    private $uuid;

    public function __construct($uuid)
        $this->uuid = $uuid;

    public function getUUID()
        return $this->uuid;

And a new handle method a the end of my Command Handler FooBarCommandHandler.php

public function handleFooBar(FooBarCommand $command)
    // @TODO Insert your code here

Broadway Events

This command generate a Broadway event and implements the handle method in the Broadway Projector automatically. You have just to add your parameters and code the handler.

php bin/console rdsj:broadway:generate-event

⚠️ If you use Symfony 2, use app/console instead of bin/console

This command need 3 inputs :

  • bundle (The bundle name where the Broadway Command will be generate)
  • name (The name of the Broadway Command you want)
  • projector Optionnal (The Projector's service id where the Broadway Event will be handle)

By default the command is run in the interactive mode and asks questions to determine values of thoose inputs

But if you want, you can run the command in a non-interactive mode and providing the needed inputs

php bin/console rdsj:broadway:generate-command --no-interaction FooBarBundle FooBar []


Same as Broadway Commands' one

Broadway ReadModel's

This command generate a Broadway ReadModel and add it to the service configuration of you're bundle. You have just to add your parameters and code the ReadModel.

php bin/console rdsj:broadway:generate-readmodel

⚠️ If you use Symfony 2, use app/console instead of bin/console

This command need 3 inputs :

  • bundle (The bundle name where the Broadway Command will be generate)
  • name (The name of the Broadway Command you want)
  • service-filename Optionnal _(The service filename is the name of the file where your bundle services are configurated)

By default the command is run in the interactive mode and asks questions to determine values of thoose inputs

But if you want, you can run the command in a non-interactive mode and providing the needed inputs

php bin/console rdsj:broadway:generate-readmodel --no-interaction FooBarBundle FooBar [services.xml]


php bin/console rdsj:broadway:generate-readmodel --no interaction FooBarBundle FooBar services.xml

This command generate a ReadModel like this.

  namespace FooBarBundle\ReadModel;
  use Broadway\ReadModel\Identifiable;
  class FooBarReadModel implements Identifiable
      private $id;
      public function __construct($id)
          $this->id = $id;
      public function getId()
          return $this->id;

and transform service.xml

  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <response xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
      <defaults public="false"/>


  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <response xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
      <defaults public="false"/>
      <service id="toto.readmodel" class="Broadway\ReadModel\ReadModel">
        <factory method="create" service="broadway.read_model.repository_factory"/>

in order to configure the new ReadModel service


  • Add a command to apply or handle an event in a projector, processor or saga
  • Add a command to generate Broadway Event
  • Add a command to generate Broadway ReadModel
  • Add a command to generate Broadway Command Handler
  • Generate Command handler automatically if it doesn't exist on Broadway Command creation
  • Add fields to Broadway Command to add fields and implements getters

Reporting an issue or a feature request

You feel free to report a new issue or a feature requests if it doesn't already exist or is in the Todo list (for feature request)


You feel free to open pull request