
Generate Rector rules from command line

Fund package maintenance!

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Dependents: 6

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Security: 0

Stars: 12

Watchers: 3

Forks: 6

Open Issues: 0


0.7.11 2024-03-18 21:56 UTC


Every Rector rule requires test, test fixtures, config and the rule.

- rules/Package/Rector/Category/SomeRector.php

- rules-tests/Package/Rector/Category/SomeRector/SomeRectorTest.php
- rules-tests/Package/Rector/Category/SomeRector/config/confured_rule.php
- rules-tests/Package/Rector/Category/SomeRector/Fixture/

~80 % of the code is repeated text - namespace, Rector name, default test setup etc.

This package will save your typing the repeated code and gives you more space for writing refactor() method logic.

How to Generate a new Rule?

  1. Initialize rector-recipe.php config
vendor/bin/rector init-recipe
  1. Complete parameters in rector-recipe.php to design your new rule

  2. Run command

vendor/bin/rector generate

That's it :)