
The Rebet PHP framework

dev-master 2021-12-27 06:55 UTC


License Build Status codecov

Rebet is a PHP framework for small or middle web applications.
It is currently under development and has not been released yet.

Local Environment Unit Tests Guaid

The following assumes that Docker, Docker Compose and VSCode (include Remote Containers extension) are already installed.

  1. Open a project by File > Open Folder... > /path/to/rebet with VSCode
  2. Click >< (green background button) at the bottom left of VSCode and select Reopen in Container... under Remote-Containers
    • Starting Dev Container (show log): Starting container to appear in the lower right corner as the Docker container build begins, so wait for finish build.
  3. And then type command below,
    composer install

We have prepared .bashrc that defines abbreviated alias commands like below,

Aliases Full Commands
ls ls --color=auto
ll ls -l
phpunit php -d memory_limit=256M -d xdebug.start_with_request=no vendor/bin/phpunit
x-phpunit php -d memory_limit=256M vendor/bin/phpunit
psysh php vendor/bin/psysh