
A PHP client for fixer.io foreign exchange rates and currency conversion API.

v1.2.0 2021-01-05 11:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-05 18:22:43 UTC


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Fixer.io PHP Client

Provides an easy to use client for fixer.io exchange rates and currency conversion JSON API.

Looking for a Laravel package? Please use ranium/laravel-fixerio instead of this library.


This project can be installed using Composer:

composer require ranium/fixerio-php-client


This package uses's Guzzle's Service Description to make HTTP Requests to the fixer.io API.

To use this package in your application, simply use the package and instantiate the client as follows

use Ranium\Fixerio\Client;

$accessKey = '12345678901234567890';
$secure = true; // Optional, default is true (only paid plans of fixer.io supports SSL)
$config = []; // Optional, guzzle command client config that you might want to pass

$fixerio = Client::create($accessKey, $secure, $config);

Here's how you can access the fixer.io's endpoints:

Note: access_key parameter is sent by default in all requests so no need to pass it in the argument while calling methods. However, you can include it should you want to override the access key used while instantiating the fixerio client.

Latest rates endpoint

$latestRates = $fixerio->latest(
        'base' => 'USD', // optional
        'symbols' => 'INR', // optional

// Display the INR rates
echo $latestRates['rates']['INR'];

Historical rates endpoint

$historicalRates = $fixerio->historical(
        'date' => '2019-01-01',
        'base' => 'USD', // optional
        'symbols' => 'INR', //optional

// Display the INR rates
echo $latestRates['rates']['INR'];

Convert endpoint

$convertedRates = $fixerio->convert(
        'from' => 'USD',
        'to' => 'INR',
        'amount' => 50.75,
        'date' => '2019-01-01', //optional

// Display the converted amount
echo $convertedRates['result'];

Time-Series data endpoint

$timeseriesData = $fixerio->timeseries(
        'start_date' => '2019-01-01',
        'end_date' => '2019-01-05',
        'base' => 'USD', // optional
        'symbols' => 'INR', //optional

// Display the INR rate for 2019-01-02
echo $timeseriesData['rates']['2019-01-02']['INR'];

Fluctuation data endpoint

$fluctuationData = $fixerio->fluctuation(
        'start_date' => '2019-01-01',
        'end_date' => '2019-01-05',
        'base' => 'USD', // optional
        'symbols' => 'INR', //optional

// Display the change/fluctuation amount of INR between the given date range
echo $fluctuationData['rates']['INR']['change'];

The response for all the above calls will be a JSON object. Please refer fixer.io's documentation for further details about various endpoints, request parameters and response objects.


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.