
A handler for Monolog that sends messages to Telegram Channels

v1.0.7 2020-10-22 17:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-16 15:02:17 UTC


Telegram Handler for php monolog which allows you to log messages into telegram channels using bots .

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telegram handler demo screenshot


Install using composer:

composer require rahimi/monolog-telegram  


it is just like other monolog handlers, you need to pass below paramaters to telegramhandler object:

  • $token your bot token provided by BotFather
  • $channel your telegram channel userName
  • $date_default_timezone_set is the timezone identifier, like 'UTC' or 'Europe/Lisbon', that will be used as the default timezone by all date/time functions (optional, default value 'UTC')
  • $dateFormat pass date format (optional, default value 'Y-m-d H:i:s')
  • $timeOut timeout value in seconds for connection to Telegram servers when sending the log message (optional, default value 100). Use 0 to wait indefinitely.


Now Simply use it like this :

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Monolog\Logger;
use rahimi\TelegramHandler\TelegramHandler;
$log = new Logger('TelegramHandler');
$log->pushHandler(new TelegramHandler($token,$channel,'UTC','F j, Y, g:i a',60));

$log->info('hello world !');
* There is 8 level of logging
$log->notice('hello world !');
$log->info('hello world !');
$log->debug('hello world !');
$log->warning('hello world !');
$log->critical('hello world !');
$log->alert('hello world !');
$log->emergency('hello world !');
$log->error('hello world !');

* Optionally you can pass second paramater such as a object
$log->info('user just logged in !',['user'=>$user]);


This tool in Licensed under MIT, so feel free to fork it and make it better that it is !