
A collection of the main Laravel objects for saving time

v3.0.2 2022-09-26 07:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-26 10:53:21 UTC


Package to get some abstract basic tools

License: MIT


You can quickly add this package in your application using Composer. Be careful to use the correct version of the package regarding your Laravel application version:


For now, this package supports all Laravel versions from 5.3.


In a Bash terminal:

composer require pythagus/laravel-abstract-basis


In this section, we will see how to use the current package features.


You can configure the php artisan module:link by defining in your config/app.php file:

| Abstract Basis module
| This array contains the whole external modules needing a symbolic link in 
| the public folder.
| The key will be the link name.
| The value is the path to the targetted file/folder from the vendor folder.
'modules' => [
    'bootstrap' => 'twbs/bootstrap',

The key will be the link name and the value is the path to the targetted file/folder from the vendor folder.


This package includes some traits to help you managing your Laravel project.


It is just a trait to resolve your repository with the method resolve().


This package uses laracasts/flash package to notify the user. You can also make quicker redirection:

// Redirect back with a success or error message
$this->backSuccess("Good work!") ;
$this->backError("Sorry...") ;

// Redirect a success or error message to the given route
$this->redirectSuccess("Good work!")->route('', $meeting) ;
$this->redirectError("Sorry...")->route('', $meeting) ;

This trait helps you with the incoming exception. For example, your controller methods could be:

public function yourMethod(Request $request) {
    return $this->try(function() use ($request) {
        // Do something with the request

        return $this->backSuccess("Good work!") ;
    }) ;

Note : you can use tryAjax() method in case of Ajax call.

This try is using a MyException based exception to determine whether an incoming exception is generated by Laravel or by yourself. The "trusted" exceptions won't be added to the logs, and the exception message will be added with Flash. An "untrusted" exception will be added to the logs, and the exception message will be something like "An error occurred". This message can be changed overwriting the weirdExceptionMessage(Throwable $throwable) method.


This is the files architecture of the package:

├── composer.json
└── src
    ├── Abstracts
    │   ├── AbstractController.php
    │   ├── AbstractEvent.php
    │   ├── AbstractListener.php
    │   ├── AbstractMail.php
    │   ├── AbstractNotification.php
    │   ├── AbstractPolicy.php
    │   └── AbstractRepository.php
    ├── Events
    │   └── IncomingExceptionEvent.php
    ├── MyException.php
    ├── Redirection.php
    └── Traits
        ├── Container.php
        ├── LogException.php
        ├── Redirectable.php
        └── TryMethod.php

4 directories, 17 files

You can generate the previous tree using:

sudo apt install tree
tree -I '.git|vendor'


This package is under the terms of the MIT license.