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4.0.2 2019-12-16 14:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-27 06:00:59 UTC


Most easy and dynamic Laravel CMS with build-in Language, User & media management. With modules you can build your own backend page witf pre-configured fields like eg. text, textarea, select etc. All fields will be stored inside a JSON column of the jelly_types table. Each page will be stored inside jelly_content table. On the front-end you can query them by using the Jelly static class like; Jelly::Module('categories')->get().



  • Laravel 5.7.* (or higher)
  • PHP 7.1 (or higher)
  • Pre-configured DB (Supporting JSON columns)

Upgrade guide

No data() needed anymore to get your field data from a document. Now you can do $result->data->title. Also you can query inside the data column of the jelly_content table. Please update your code, in the next versions data() function will be removed.


  1. Run composer require pinkwhalenl/jellyfish.
  2. Be sure your .env file is configured (DB).
  3. Publish the config, css,js & font files php artisan vendor:publish.
  4. Run the new migrations php artisan migrate.
  5. Go to https://{YOURDOMAIN}}.com/backend.
  6. Sign-in with the default credentials; & secret.

Dynamic content

Modules are like MySQL database tables, you'll define columns inside modules to structure you data and grouping them. On the Admin side of this platform you can add fields into you JSON file, and by telling each field what to do you'll get a customer friendly form. When you finished you're module you can start adding some documents from the navigation bar.

Add Module

  1. Click on the right top side on your username.
  2. Click on admin - Modules.
  3. Click on Create new Module.
  4. Add an title and also check some options who are needed in your case.
  5. Start clean and add the following code.
  1. Fill the fields parts with the fields below.

[Note] Default checkboxes while adding modules
you can check two checkboxes. sort & published_at those two are separated from the JSON data and have their own column inside the jelly_content table. You can also query them by the standard eloquent way.

// Example with published_date.

Available fields

In each field you can still manage your validation rules brought from Laravel with the key validation. Also their are some functions to specify how the data will be stored inside your DB. Also has each field his own Options. So please check the documentation below.


When you'll using a text field for title purposes, you can als add "slug":true. The system will automatically add the field {name}_slug. Note; you cannot change this afterwards when a document is already saved!

    "title":"Title of document",
    "placeholder":"eg. This is a title",



Select options

    "title": "Select",
    "placeholder": "Pick a options",
    "type": "select",
    "name": "language",
    "options": [

Item from other Module

This field will list other modules with a selected column. The document unique ID will be stored inside this field.

    "title": "Written By",
    "type": "module",
    "name": "writtenby",
    "required": true,
    "function": {
        "module": "employees",
        "field": "name"
    "validation": "required"


This field let you select an image from the Media library.



This field let you select an file from the Media library.

     "function": ["attachment"]

Front-end usage

When you'll store a document eg. based on the selected module. All content will be stored inside the data column. This column is filled with the module's JSON values.

Get document from selected module

It's just Laravel, we did only the first few steps. So use the static function Jelly::Module('MODULENAME')->{Query}. On the background we take the Content model and query by type ->where('type','MODALNAME').

// example 1.
@foreach(Jelly::Module('articles')->get() as $article)

// example 2.
$content = Jelly::Module('articles')->where('data->slug',$slug)->firstOrFail();

// example 3.
$content = Jelly:Module('articles')->where('data->code','7465')->first();
echo $content->created_at;
echo $content->data->title;

Print images

Jellyfish supports a wide range of supporting images and image-caching.

<!-- Where 'picture' is field's name.) -->
<img src="{{route('img',[$item->picture,'size=100x100'])}}"/>

Using Markdown field

When using the markdown field add the Markdown::convertToHtml() function to convert markdown into HTML format.

{!! Markdown::convertToHtml($data->data()->content) !!}

Store Forms

CMS stores and let you manage your form data. See example below;

// ExampleController.php
use JellyForms;

public function store(){
    // Validate
        'name' => 'required',
    // Store
    // Store -> Alternatice
        'name' => request()->name,
	'email' => request()->email
    return redirect()->route('ROUTENAME')->with('alert','success');


You can check if a user has signed in by typing JellyAuth::Check() this functions returns true/false. You can also get all user's information by using the User() function like; JellyAuth::User(). When you want to know if an user has admin-access then type; JellyAuth::IsAdmin(), this also returns true/false.


// Show button is signed in.
    <li><a href="#">Click here..</a></li>

// Check user is an Admin.
    <li><a href="#">[Admin] - Debtors..</a></li>

// Get Userdata.
JellyAuth::User()->id // Get unique ID
JellyAuth::User()->name // Get name
JellyAuth::User()->email // Get email


By default jellyfish will recognize laravel's running language. You can also force it to another language.

{{Trans::get('home.title')}} // Most basic.
{{Trans::get('home.title','nl')}} // With language.
{{Trans::get('home.title','nl','lorem:10')}} // With language + Lorem Ipsum.
{{Trans::get('home.title',null,'lorem:10')}} // No language.

On development environments

When you want to change this package from the vendor folder. composer require pinkwhalenl/jellyfish dev-master --prefer-source