
Validate Swedish social security numbers

Installs: 3 762

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Security: 0

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Watchers: 1

Forks: 9



  • Validate Swedish personnummer (civic numbers), samordningsnummer (coordination numbers) and reservnummer (reserve numbers).
  • It is important to note that this library provides only validation.
  • Reserve numbers are arbitrarily constructed in different ways, but may look alike. This means that a given reserve number may also identify as another type of reserve number. The helper methods for each individual reserve number type will only indicate that the current reserve number has passed validation for that type.

Different types of reserve numbers

Different reserve number standards are used in specific Swedish regions and may share similarity in their construction.

Abbreviation Description
VGR Västra Götalandsregionen
SLL Region Stockholm (former Stockholm läns landsting)
RVB Region Västerbotten


composer require pinefox/personnummer



Method Arguments Returns
parse string personnummer, [ array options* ] Instance
valid string personnummer, [ array options* ] bool


Method Arguments Returns
format bool longFormat string
getAge none int
isMale none bool
isFemale none bool
isCoordinationNumber none bool
isReserveNumber none bool
isTNumber none bool
isVgrReserveNumber none bool
isSllReserveNumber none bool
isRvbReserveNumber none bool
Property Type Description
century string Century, two digits
year string Year, two digits
fullYear string Year, four digits
month string Month, two digits
day string Day, two digits
sep string Separator (-/+)
num string Suffix number, three digits
check string Luhn check digit, one digit


When a personnummer is invalid a PersonnummerException is thrown.


Option Type Default Description
allowCoordinationNumber bool true Accept coordination numbers.
allowTNumber bool true Accept reserve numbers with single character in 9th position.
allowVgrReserveNumber bool true Accept VGR reserve numbers (see specification).
allowSllReserveNumber bool true Accept SLL reserve numbers (see specification).
allowRvbReserveNumber bool true Accept RVB reserve numbers (see specification).



use Personnummer\Personnummer;

//=> true

//=> true


use Personnummer\Personnummer;

// Short format (YYMMDD-XXXX)
(new Personnummer(1212121212))->format();
//=> 121212-1212

// Short format for 100+ years old
(new Personnummer('191212121212'))->format();
//=> 121212+1212

// Long format (YYYYMMDDXXXX)
(new Personnummer('1212121212'))->format(true);
//=> 201212121212

Get Age

use Personnummer\Personnummer;

(new Personnummer('1212121212'))->age;
//=> 7

Get Sex

use Personnummer\Personnummer;

(new Personnummer('1212121212'))->isMale();
//=> true
(new Personnummer('1212121212'))->isFemale();
//=> false

See PersonnummerTest.php for more examples.
