
Provides a tight integration of OpenApi into the Symfony full-stack framework

Installs: 52

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 3

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


v0.0.1 2024-03-25 14:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-25 16:12:29 UTC


Provides a tight integration of the famous zircote/swagger-php library into the Symfony full-stack framework for generating OpenAPI spec and building Restful APIs quickly.

This bundle is especially created for API-First development.


composer require open-solid/open-api-bundle

Import the bundle's routes in config/routes.yaml to show the Swagger API documentation:

    resource: '@OpenApiBundle/config/routes.php'

Basic Sample

Define your OpenAPI spec and endpoint at the same time:


namespace Api\Catalog\Controller\Post;

use Api\Catalog\Model\Product;
use OpenSolid\OpenApiBundle\Attribute\Body;
use OpenSolid\OpenApiBundle\Routing\Attribute\Post;

class PostProductAction
    public function __invoke(#[Body] PostProductBody $body): Product
        return new Product($body->name, $body->price);

Main Features

  • Generate OpenAPI spec from PHP attributes (Mainly based on zircote/swagger-php)
    • Automatic Operation, Schema and Property guessing from PHP classes and methods
  • Expose Swagger UI to explore the OpenAPI spec and test API endpoints
  • Export OpenAPI spec in JSON or YAML format (via HTTP and console command)
  • Import OpenAPI spec in JSON or YAML format (via config file)
  • Define Symfony routes and OpenAPI Paths using the same attributes:
    • #[Post], #[Get], #[Put], #[Patch], #[Delete]
  • Conditional OpenAPI Path/Route definition:
    • Example: #[Get('/me', when: 'service("toggle_me").isEnabled()')]
  • Symfony attributes abbreviations:
    • #[Body] instead of #[MapRequestPayload]
    • #[Query] instead of #[MapQueryString]
  • OpenAPI attributes abbreviations:
    • #[Path] instead of #[PathParameter]
    • #[Param] instead of #[QueryParameter]
  • Symfony's validation constraints definition using OpenAPI attributes:
    • Example: #[Property(minLength: 3, maxLength: 255)]
  • Automatic controller response serialization (JSON format by default)
  • Generate new endpoints from API spec (WIP) (based on open-solid/open-api-assistant-bundle)


This software is published under the MIT License