
Provides api interface for magento

1.0.0 2016-03-30 08:00 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-31 08:04:13 UTC


Package content

Bridge includes 2 extensions:

  1. magento extension https://github.com/oleksandrmakhno/api-bridge-pimcore
  2. pimcore plugin https://github.com/oleksandrmakhno/api-bridge-magento

How it works

  1. very simple
  2. in magento we have product 'shirt' with sku = e123
  3. in pimcore we have object MagentoBaseProduct 'shirt' with sku = e123
  4. for example when in magento we open PDP (product details page) for 'shirt' - api call to pimcore fetch product media data

Pimcore plugin installation

Using Composer:

composer require oleksandrmakhno/api-bridge-magento



Manage pimcore settings:

1. pimcore => settings => object => classes => add class 'MagentoBaseProduct' => import (button in the bottom) => install/objectDefinition/class_MagentoBaseProduct_export.json => save
2. pimcore => settings => system => web service api => web service api enabled (check checkbox) => save 
3. pimcore => settings => users / roles => users => create user 'api-bridge-magento'
4. pimcore => settings => users / roles => users => select user 'api-bridge-magento' => generate user api key (mypimcorerestapikey) => save
5. (install extension to magento) magento => system => configuration => api bridge pimcore => settings => pimcore api user key => set generated value (mypimcorerestapikey) => save config
6. pimcore => extras => extensions => extension 'ApiBridgeMagento' => enable
7. pimcore => objects panel => home (right click) add object => MagentoBaseProduct (sku=e123) => save & publish

Test api call

  1. pimcore api returns data or nothing
  2. we can test in browser
response: {"sku":"e123","info":null,"imageMain":null}

Release history

  • 20160205 0.0.1 pimcore plugin initial version
  • 20160216 0.0.2 added logic to install as pimcore plugin
  • 20160329 0.1.0 version for installation process testing
  • 20160329 0.2.0 version for installation process testing
  • 20160329 0.3.0 version for installation process testing
  • 20160329 0.4.0 description added
  • 20160329 0.5.0 folder structure changed, images added
  • 20160329 0.6.0 added folders doc, install
  • 20160330 1.0.0 public release
