
Allows applications to Notify users via various sources.

v1.0.0 2017-07-11 21:08 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-09 00:26:08 UTC


Note: This package is under heavy development and is not recommended for production.

Installing New

Install using Composer.


Install using Composer.

	"require": {
		"ocuru/notify": "dev-master"

Available Services

Below are the services we currently support, more will be added over time.

Email Service

Service ID Data Required for Notification Optional Data
email ToName, ToEmail, FromName, FromEmail, Subject, MessagePlainText isHTML, MessageHTML (if isHTML = true), ReplyToName, ReplyToEmail
$Notify->ToName = "John Smith";
$Notify->ToEmail = "john@smith.com";

$Notify->FromName = "No Reply - Ocuru";
$Notify->FromEmail = "no-reply@ocuru.com";

// ReplyTo isnt Required
$Notify->ReplyToName = "Support - Ocuru";
$Notify->ReplyToEmail = "support@ocuru.com";

$Notify->Subject = "Example Notification";
$Notify->isHTML = true;
$Notify->MessagePlainText = "This is a example notification message.";
$Notify->MessageHTML = "<html><body><p>This is a example notification message.</p></body></html>";
Service ID Data Required for Notification Optional Data
email to.name, to.email, from.name from.email, message.is_html, message.plain_text message.html (if message.is_html = true)
Data Format
$data = [
	"to" => [
    	"name" => to.name,
      	"email" => to.email
  	"from" => [
    	"name" => from.name,
      	"email" => from.email
  	"message" => [
      	"is_html" => true,
      	"html" => "<html><body><p>This is a example notification message.</p></body></html>",
    	"plain_text" => "This is a example notification message."

Twilio Service

Service ID Data Required for Notification
twilio ToPhoneNumber, FromSMSName, FromPhoneNumber, MessageSMS
$Notify->ToPhoneNumber = "07704810577";

$Notify->FromSMSName = "Ocuru";
$Notify->FromPhoneNumber = "447733806389"; // Valid Twilio Number with Country Prefix

// Below Message will send with the following format.
// From Ocuru: This is a example notification message.
$Notify->MessageSMS = "This is a example notification message."; 

Basic Setup

Service ID Data Required for Notification
twilio to.name, to.number, from.name, from.number, message.short
Data Format
$data = [
	"to" => [
      	"name" => to.name,
    	"number" => to.number
  	"from" => [
       	"name" => from.name,
    	"number" => from.number
  	"message" => [
    	"short" => message.short

Basic Setup

Below is the basic setup you need to run the example code in this document.

use Ocuru\Notify\Notify;

$Notify = new Notify;

Environmental Variables

You need to first set the .env file location using the below code. This is required.

$_ENV['ENV_LOCATION'] = __DIR__; // Directory of which your .env file is located

If you haven't already set up your .env file , ocuru/notify installs vlucas/phpdotenv onto the system.

Below is the basic setup of Dotenv where $_ENV['ENV_LOCATION'] is the location of your .env file.

Place the below code before the $Notify variable if setup is needed.

$dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv($_ENV['ENV_LOCATION']);

Each service will need a different set some .env variables, these are show below.


======= To set up each service you will need to set some .env variables, these are show below.





After Setting .env Variables

In the below example we show you how to setup the services you want to use. You should only run these methods once you have set up all the environmental variables you need shown here. If you don't then an exception will be thrown.

The array can consist of any of the service names shown in the Service ID part of each service List of Services area.


After Setting .env Variables

In the below example we show you how to setup the services you want to use. You should only run these methods once you have set up all the environmental variables you need shown here. If you don't then an exception will be thrown.

The array can consist of any of the service names shown in square brackets in the List of Services area.


The $Notify->start(); method is required for Ocuru\Notify to initialize. However the $Notify->use(); method isn't required but if you run $Notify->start(); without it we will attempt to setup the Email service which is Ocuru\Notify's default service. If no Environmental Variables are found for the Email Service then a exception will be thrown.

Notifying Users

To notify a user you can use the methods shown below. If an error occurs, we will throw an exception.

Below is the first example of how to send a notification, this sends a notification through all services you have set up.

In order to send a notification you will need to make sure all variables needed for each service are set. You can find out how to do this and what variables are required here.


However you can also send via specific services using the same method, all you need to do is pass an array of services as the first parameter. For Example.


The $Notify->start(); method is required for Ocuru\Notify to initialize. However the $Notify->use(); method isn't required but if you run $Notify->start(); without it we will attempt to setup the Email service which is set and Global Default. If no Environmental Variables are found for the Email Service then a exception will be thrown.

Notifying Users

To notify a user you can use the methods shown below.

Below is the first example of how to send a notification, this sends a notification through all services you have set up.

The next example shows you how to send a notification using a specific service. Through the $Notify->notify($data); method.

The final example shows you how to send a notification using the services base Notify Method. For example $Notify->email->notify($data);