
This is for testing propose only

dev-master 2018-11-01 16:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 04:09:03 UTC


A simple PHP package for capture credit card payment using Adyen and Braintree service


Use composer to clone this package.

$ composer require oadtz/checkout

Or download this package and extract to your project or add this package to your composer.json

"require": {


"oadtz/checkout": "dev-master",



, then run:

$ composer update

Adyen & Braintree Configuration

Open src/Config/checkout.php file and edit with your own configuration.

'adyen' => [
    'username' => 'Your Adyen username',
    'password' => 'Your Adyen password',
    'environment' => 'test',
	'appname' => 'Optional'
'braintree' => [
    'environment' => 'sandbox',
    'merchant_id' => 'Your Braintree merchant ID',
    'public_key' => 'Your Braintree public API key',
    'private_key' => 'Your Braintree private API key'

Unit test

Use this command to run the unit test.

$ vendor/bin/phpunit