
PHP Duration Type

1.0 2023-06-29 15:48 UTC

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Last update: 2024-05-29 17:39:39 UTC


Missing PHP TimeUnit and Duration library


composer require monadial/php-duration

Finite Duration

The FiniteDuration class is a representation of a finite duration of time. It provides functionality to perform operations and conversions on durations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and conversion to different units of time.

Factory Methods

  • fromTimeUnit(int $length, TimeUnit $unit): FiniteDuration: Creates a new instance of the FiniteDuration class from the specified length and time unit.

    \Monadial\Duration\FiniteDuration::fromTimeUnit(1, TimeUnit::SECONDS); // create 1 second duration
  • fromNanos(int $nanos): FiniteDuration: Creates a new instance of the FiniteDuration class from the specified duration in nanoseconds.

    \Monadial\Duration\FiniteDuration::fromNanos(1000); // create 1000 nanoseconds duration
  • fromString(string $duration): FiniteDuration: Creates a new instance of the FiniteDuration class from a string representation of the duration.

    \Monadial\Duration\FiniteDuration::fromTimeUnit('1 minutes'); // create 1 minute duration

Duration Conversion Methods

  • toNanos(): int: Converts the duration to nanoseconds.
  • toMicros(): int: Converts the duration to microseconds.
  • toMillis(): int: Converts the duration to milliseconds.
  • toSeconds(): int: Converts the duration to seconds.
  • toMinutes(): int: Converts the duration to minutes.
  • toHours(): int: Converts the duration to hours.
  • toDays(): int: Converts the duration to days.
  • toUnit(TimeUnit $unit): float: Converts the duration to the specified time unit.

Arithmetic Operations

  • add(Duration $other): FiniteDuration: Adds another duration to the current duration.
  • subtract(Duration $other): FiniteDuration: Subtracts another duration from the current duration.
  • multiply(int $factor): FiniteDuration: Multiplies the duration by a factor.
  • division(int $divisor): FiniteDuration: Divides the duration by a divisor.

Other Methods

  • isFinite(): bool: Checks if the duration is finite.
  • equals(Duration $other): bool: Checks if the current duration is equal to another duration.
  • toCoarsest(): Duration: Converts the duration to the coarsest possible unit.
  • asDateTime(): DateTimeImmutable: Converts the duration to a DateTimeImmutable object.


The FiniteDuration class may throw the following exceptions:

  • FiniteDurationBoundary: Thrown when the duration exceeds the maximum or minimum value allowed by the time unit.
  • NanosecondsAreNotConvertibleToDateTime: Thrown when attempting to convert a duration in nanoseconds to a DateTimeImmutable object (nanoseconds cannot be represented as a valid date and time).
  • UnableToConvertToDateTime: Thrown when the duration cannot be converted to a DateTimeImmutable object due to limitations or errors.

Please note that this is just an overview of the FiniteDuration class and its available methods. For detailed information on each method and its usage, refer to the class implementation and documentation.