
v1.0 2017-10-16 15:20 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-28 01:34:45 UTC


This repository aims to provide easy way to implement monitoring with Zabbix.


Add the bundle as dependency with Composer

$ php composer.phar require mcrinquand/zabbix_monitoring

Enable the bundle in the kernel

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = [
        // ...
        new MCD\ZabbixMonitoringBundle\MCDZabbixMonitoringBundle(),


Then You have to configure the bundle.

    default: zabbix
            type: zabbix
            prefix: apache
            host: localhost
            port: 10051

Type is zabbix only for the moment.


It allows you to monitor data like a counter.

The monitoring is split in two part : first is aggregation of data and then sending of data.

Record data

For the first part, you have to create a class to monitor your data. This class must extends MCD\ZabbixMonitoringBundle\Zabbix\Monitoring\AbstractMonitoring and be defined as service. It expect a filepath into constructor. This parameter is the path to the file where the data will be stored waiting to be send to your Zabbix server.

Here's an example of visitor monitorer.


namespace AppBundle\Monitorer;

use MCD\ZabbixMonitoringBundle\Zabbix\Monitoring\AbstractMonitoring;

class VisitorMonitorer extends AbstractMonitoring

Set VisitorMonitorer as service with filepath to save data :

        class: 'AppBundle\Monitorer\VisitorMonitorer'
        public: true
            $filepath: '%kernel.root_dir%/../var/monitoring/visitor.txt'

Record one ot four visitors :

$monitorer = $this->get('AppBundle\Monitorer\VisitorMonitorer');
// record one visitor

// record four visitor

Send data

Then you can define the task to send monitored data to your Zabbix server.

You have to define a Command make it extends MCD\ZabbixMonitoringBundle\Zabbix\Command\AbstractMonitoringCommand and declare it as service. Give it the Monitoring class you want to send as second argument.

Then you can declare the command into you crontab to send value to Zabbix.

When the command send data, it "clear" the current count.


The bundle was originally created by Matthieu Crinquand. See the list of contributors.

This bundle is inspired by the beberlei/metrics bundle.