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This bundle provides easy scanning virus with clamAv antivirus for Symfony and eZ Platform

Installs: 0

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


v1.0.0-beta 2021-05-02 00:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-27 22:08:35 UTC


This bundle provides an antivirus scan with clamAv for Symfony and eZ Platform formBuilder


  • eZ Platform 2.5+

Install instructions

  1. Add the project repository:

    In the main composer.json, add:

    "repositories": [
        // ...
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""
  2. Install the bundle via Composer (initial installation):

    $ composer require masilia/clamav-bundle

    2.1 Update the bundle via Composer if needed

    $ composer update masilia/clamav-bundle
  3. Activate the bundle in your app/AppKernel.php:

    $bundles = [
        new Masilia\ClamavBundle\MasiliaClamavBundle(),
  4. install the clamAv modules in your server


    4.1 Under Debian distribution, run the following commands (adapt according to the distribution used):

     apt-get install clamav &&
     apt-get install clamav-daemon &&
     apt-get install clamav-freshclam

    4.2 To update the database, we stop the clamav-freshclam service and then run the corresponding command as follows:

    /etc/init.d/clamav-freshclam stop && freshclam

    4.3 Config the ClamAv service:

    • 4.3.1 run the clamAv with TCP|IP protocol.
      -- Under the file /etc/clamav/clamd.conf Add these lines to the config:
    TCPSocket {{port}} (3310 often we choose this one)
    TCPAddr {{server ip}} ( if the clamav service is installed locally)

    -- Under the file /etc/systemd/system/clamav-daemon.service.d/extend.conf Add the line:

    ListenStream = {{ip: port}} ( in our example)
    • 4.3.2 or run the clamAv with UNIX socket protocol.
      -- Under the file /etc/clamav/clamd.conf Add the line :
     LocalSocket: /var/run/clamav/clamd.sock
    • 4.3.3 After these configs you can restart your service :
    $ systemctl daemon-reload && /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon restart
    • 4.3.4 Add the clamav user to the group www-data:
      $ usermod -a -G www-data clamav && /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon restart
    • To make sure, execute the command :
     $ groups clamav
    • Output :
      clamav : clamav www-data
  • To make sure that our clamav-daemon service is running under the socket ip:port configured or the unix local socket , we execute the command :
netstat -lpn | grep clam
  • Output if the clamAv is lessening to the configured unix local socket :
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     239406   1121/clamd           /var/run/clamav/clamd.sock
  • Output if the clamAv is lessening to the configured TCP|IP socket :
TCP   0         0  *           LISTEN          97/clamd
  • Output if we configured both protocols:
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     239406   1121/clamd           /var/run/clamav/clamd.sock
TCP   0         0  *           LISTEN          97/clamd
  1. Configuration of app/config/config.yml file
  • masilia_clamav:
        #required config , 'unix:///path/to/clamav/unix_local_socket' if unix socket or 'tcp://ip:port' if tcp|ip socket>>
        socket_path: 'unix:///path/to/clamav/unix_local_socket|tcp://ip:port'
        #optional config, if you have chroot partition in your server you can the path 
        root_path: '/opt/www/project-root' ('' as default)
        #optional config, you can add it if your form is handled with ezForm Builder 
        ezform_builder_enabled: true|false (false as default)
        #optional config, if we want to scan on streaming the uploaded file
        # if the clamAv is running in the remote server , we must use the the TCP|IP protocol and enable the stream scan
        # when there issue with the scan and you get in logs the message like ('reason' => 'lstat()'), this option may resolve your issue
        enable_stream_scan: true|false (false as default value)
        #To enable validation on BO with ezbinaryfile FieldType
        enable_binary_field_type_validator: true|false (false as default value)


5.1 Antivirus constraint

  • In symfony object form To enable Antivirus constraint on your form Type for the input file add the following lines .

    use Masilia\ClamavBundle\Constraints\Antivirus;
    use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FileType;
    use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilder;
    public function buildForm(FormBuilder $builder, array $options)
        // ...
                        'constraints'=>[new Antivirus()]
        // ...
  • In eZ Platform form builder you can just pass the parameter ezform_builder_enabled to true then add validation with Antivirus in the config file panel on the BO while editing your form.

  • In BO to active scan with ezbinaryfile FiledType you can just pass the parameter enable_binary_field_type_validator to true

5.4 Customize error message

  • To customize server error message add this message error key "antivirus_constraint_message" in messages translation file Resources/translations/messages.{locale}.{yml|php|xliff}
  1. Override the antivirus service *To do, you implement the interface Masilia\ClamavBundle\Services\AntivirusInterface and the value to return from your service is an array with keys [status => Ok|KO] and [reason => ' your statment ... ']
  • then declare your service as following:
     Masilia\ClamavBundle\Services\AntiVirusInterface: '@your.antivirus.service_alias'


if you get in your logs the message like :

'status' => 'KO',   'reason' => 'file not scanned :Socket operation failed: No such file or directory (SOCKET_ENOENT)',   'originalFilename' => 'Test (4).pdf', )

The connexion with the antivirus server is failed, make sure that is the correct socket root path socket_root

 'id' => '2',   'filename' => '/tmp/phpZa1j3O',   'reason' => 'lstat()',   'status' => 'failed',   'originalFilename' => 'Test (4).pdf', )

There is an issue with file path ,first check the root_path param , if the issue steel occurring in that case the stream scan is privileged , you can enable it in parameters, it may resolve yur issue.

 'status' => 'KO',   'reason' => 'file not scanned :Warning: file_get_contents(/var/www//tmp/php9w4fcr): failed to open stream: No such file or directory',   'originalFilename' => 'Test (4).pdf', )

Check the param root_path probably you've put the wrong path where the file is uploaded by PHP