
There is no license information available for the latest version (0.1.3) of this package.

0.1.3 2021-06-21 17:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-21 23:41:20 UTC



  1. Register provider into bootstrap/app.php:

  2. Add ErrorHandler trait to app/Exceptions/Handler.php.


  1. make:request -> Create a FormRequest.
  2. make:response -> Create a Responsable class.
  3. run:test -> A shortcut command for run test using phpunit.


This package use spatie/enum for enable enum feature (we are waiting for php 8.1 that will provides native enum).

  • RoleEnum -> user roles.

Helper classes

  • Auth -> get values from marlon custom header (proxy will pass them).
  • ValidationErrors -> a helper class for throw a ValidationException.


  • ArrayObjectArrayable -> implements a recursive "objects to array" method.
  • ErrorHandler -> core class for handle ValidationException and return a 422 response with errors.
  • ObjectArrayable -> implements a recursive "object to array" method for object.