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Custom Application Code Overlay for symfony

Installs: 56

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Watchers: 2

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Open Issues: 0


5.4.8 2023-09-29 13:33 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-29 14:37:32 UTC


Custom Application Code Overlay for Symfony framework

*** Consolidation completed for Symfony 5.4 but may missed something ***


  • Parent controller 'AppController' is provided
  • AppController can automatically dump template parameters on dev: when modifying template, you can see every available parameters
  • AppController can automatically retrieve template (in "{controllerName}/{functionName}.html.twig") by using return renderTemplate([])
  • AppController can redirect with cookies already defined. Methods are added to redirect to referer or to self route.

Controller use a specific Request object (extending standard one), and should be declared in public/index file:

//use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request
use Keiwen\Cacofony\Http\Request

Declare its use in kernel if needed

$kernel = new Kernel($_SERVER['APP_ENV'], (bool) $_SERVER['APP_DEBUG']);
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
$response = $kernel->handle($request);
$kernel->terminate($request, $response);

Restrict to Role

This annotation could be used to check user role. Could be on a single action or for a whole controller.

 * @RestrictToRole("admin")
class TestController extends DefaultController

In this example, system will check if user has 'ROLE_ADMIN' role. If not, an AccessDeniedException is raised. Value in annotation don't need to be uppercase or have the 'role_' prefix.

Template Param

This annotation could be used for 'constants' given to templates. It could be defined on a single action, or for the full controller

 * @TemplateParameter("section", paramValue="test")
class TestController extends DefaultController

In this example, all actions in this controller will automatically return a 'section' parameter, with value 'test'


For translations purpose, you can set a specific locale (default 'transCode') to display translations code instead of actual translated strings. Useful when working on translations from running application.



  • label add ':' at the end of your text. Depending on locale, it can add non-breakable space (as in french)
  • str_limit to limit displayed string to given length, ending with '...' by default
  • ucfirst switch first letter to uppercase


  • getRoute() returns route name
  • hasRole('user') check if current user has specified role. Value don't need to be uppercase or have the 'role_' prefix.


Controller method could be annotated with ParamFetcher annotations to declare request (get and/or post) parameters for the route. Parameters can be required, have some requirements (error if not met) or filter (invalid chars removed without error triggered).
ParamFetcher is filled if declared as controller parameters, and sends a 400 HTTP response when error occurs.
Cacofony includes integration for NelmioApiDocBundle with these annotations

 * Action executed if GET request with apiKey parameter.
 * variable '$apiKey' in action will be an alphanumerical string.
 * @Get("/route", name="routeName")
 * @GetParam(name="apiKey", description="required key for API access", required=true, filter="scalar")
public function action(ParamFetcher $paramFetcher) {
    $apiKey = $paramFetcher->get('apiKey');


Can save, remove, detach or copy an entity or a list of entities. Each methods include an optional commit parameter (default true). In controller:
