
Yii 2 API Project Template

Installs: 61

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 1

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0



3.1 2018-04-05 21:31 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-01 17:08:54 UTC



Yii 2 RESTful API Project Template


  assets/             contains assets definition
  commands/           contains console commands (controllers)
  config/             contains application configurations
  controllers/        contains Controller classes
  modules/            contains Module for api
    v1/               contains Controller classes and Model classes
      controllers/    contains Module controller classes
      models/         contains Model classes
  mail/               contains view files for e-mails
  runtime/            contains files generated during runtime
  tests/              contains various tests for the api application
  vendor/             contains dependent 3rd-party packages
  views/              contains view files for the Web application
  web/                contains the entry script and Web resources


The minimum requirement by this project template that your Web server supports PHP 5.4.0.


Install via Composer

If you do not have Composer, you may install it by following the instructions at getcomposer.org.

You can then install this project template using the following command:

php composer.phar create-project --prefer-dist katanyoo/yii2-app-api api

Now you should be able to access the application through the following URL, assuming api is the directory directly under the Web root.


Install from an Archive File

Extract the archive file downloaded from github.com to a directory named api that is directly under the Web root.

Set cookie validation key in config/web.php file to some random secret string:

'request' => [
    // !!! insert a secret key in the following (if it is empty) - this is required by cookie validation
    'cookieValidationKey' => '<secret random string goes here>',

You can then access the application through the following URL:



API Versioning

Edit the file config/modules.php for each of API versions


Edit the file config/db.php with real data, for example:

return [
    'class' => 'yii\db\Connection',
    'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=yii2api',
    'username' => 'root',
    'password' => '1234',
    'charset' => 'utf8',


  • Yii won't create the database for you, this has to be done manually before you can access it.
  • Check and edit the other files in the config/ directory to customize your application as required.
  • Refer to the README in the tests directory for information specific to api application tests.

Basic usage (HTTP Client)

Performing HTTP GET request with mime type detection:

// Result is html text
$text = Yii::$app->httpclient->get('http://httpbin.org/html');

// Result is SimpleXMLElement containing parsed XML
$xml = Yii::$app->httpclient->get('http://httpbin.org/xml');

// Result is parsed JSON array
$json = Yii::$app->httpclient->get('http://httpbin.org/get');

You can disable this behavior by specifying $detectMimeType option to whole component or single call

// Result is Guzzle `Response` object
$text = Yii::$app->httpclient->get('http://httpbin.org/xml', [], false);

Make request with custom options:

$text = Yii::$app->httpclient->get('http://httpbin.org/xml', [
    'proxy' => 'tcp://localhost:8125'

Read more about this options in Guzzle 6 documentation

HTTP methods

You can make request with several ways:

  1. Call shortcut method (get(), post(), put(), delete(), etc.)
  2. Call request() method

All shortcut methods has the same signature except get():

// Synchronous GET request
    $url, // URL
    [], // Options
    true // Detect Mime Type?

// Synchronous POST (and others) request
    $url, // URL
    $body, // Body
    [], // Options
    true // Detect Mime Type?

// Asynchronous GET request
    $url, // URL
    [] // Options

// Asynchronous POST (and others) request
    $url, // URL
    $body, // Body
    [] // Options

NOTE: you still can make a GET request with body via request() function

Asynchronous calls

To make an asynchronous request simly add Async to end of request method:

// PromiseInterface
$promise = Yii::$app->httpclient->postAsync('http://httpbin.org/post');

NOTE: mime type detection is not supported for asynchronous calls

Read more about asynchronous requests in Guzzle 6 documentation

Request body

Types you can pass as a body of request:

  1. Arrayable object (ActiveRecord, Model etc.) - will be encoded into JSON object
  2. Array - will be sent as form request (x-form-urlencoded)

Any other data passed as body will be sent into Guzzle without any transformations.

Read more about request body in Guzzle documentation

API Document Generating

./yii doc/gen

For Windows user

yii doc/win-gen