
An enhanced FileInput widget for Bootstrap 3.x, 4.x & 5.x with file preview, multiple selection, and more features (sub repo split from yii2-widgets)

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v1.1.1 2022-06-28 04:31 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-28 09:07:23 UTC


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The FileInput widget is a customized file input widget based on Krajee's Bootstrap FileInput JQuery Plugin. The widget enhances the default HTML file input with various features including the following:

  • Specially styled for Bootstrap 3.x, 4.x and 5.x with customizable buttons, caption, and preview
  • Ability to select and preview multiple files
  • Includes file browse and optional remove and upload buttons.
  • Ability to format your file picker button styles
  • Ability to preview files before upload - images and/or text (uses HTML5 FileReader API)
  • Ability to preview multiple files of different types (both images and text)
  • Set your upload action/route (defaults to form submit). Customize the Upload and Remove buttons.
  • Internationalization enabled for easy translation to various languages

NOTE: This extension is a sub repo split of yii2-widgets. The split has been done since 08-Nov-2014 to allow developers to install this specific widget in isolation if needed. One can also use the extension the previous way with the whole suite of yii2-widgets.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer. Check the composer.json for this extension's requirements and dependencies. Read this web tip /wiki on setting the minimum-stability settings for your application's composer.json.

To install, either run

$ php composer.phar require kartik-v/yii2-widget-fileinput "@dev"

or add

"kartik-v/yii2-widget-fileinput": "@dev"

to the require section of your composer.json file.

Refer the CHANGE LOG for details of release wise changes.


You can refer detailed documentation and demos on usage of the extension.


use kartik\file\FileInput;

// Usage with ActiveForm and model
echo $form->field($model, 'avatar')->widget(FileInput::classname(), [
    'options' => ['accept' => 'image/*'],

// With model & without ActiveForm
echo '<label class="control-label">Add Attachments</label>';
echo FileInput::widget([
    'model' => $model,
    'attribute' => 'attachment_1',
    'options' => ['multiple' => true]


Code Contributors

This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [Contribute]. 68747470733a2f2f6f70656e636f6c6c6563746976652e636f6d2f796969322d7769646765742d66696c65696e7075742f636f6e7472696275746f72732e7376673f77696474683d38393026627574746f6e3d66616c7365

Financial Contributors

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68747470733a2f2f6f70656e636f6c6c6563746976652e636f6d2f796969322d7769646765742d66696c65696e7075742f6f7267616e697a6174696f6e2f302f6176617461722e737667 68747470733a2f2f6f70656e636f6c6c6563746976652e636f6d2f796969322d7769646765742d66696c65696e7075742f6f7267616e697a6174696f6e2f312f6176617461722e737667 68747470733a2f2f6f70656e636f6c6c6563746976652e636f6d2f796969322d7769646765742d66696c65696e7075742f6f7267616e697a6174696f6e2f322f6176617461722e737667 68747470733a2f2f6f70656e636f6c6c6563746976652e636f6d2f796969322d7769646765742d66696c65696e7075742f6f7267616e697a6174696f6e2f332f6176617461722e737667 68747470733a2f2f6f70656e636f6c6c6563746976652e636f6d2f796969322d7769646765742d66696c65696e7075742f6f7267616e697a6174696f6e2f342f6176617461722e737667 68747470733a2f2f6f70656e636f6c6c6563746976652e636f6d2f796969322d7769646765742d66696c65696e7075742f6f7267616e697a6174696f6e2f352f6176617461722e737667 68747470733a2f2f6f70656e636f6c6c6563746976652e636f6d2f796969322d7769646765742d66696c65696e7075742f6f7267616e697a6174696f6e2f362f6176617461722e737667 68747470733a2f2f6f70656e636f6c6c6563746976652e636f6d2f796969322d7769646765742d66696c65696e7075742f6f7267616e697a6174696f6e2f372f6176617461722e737667 68747470733a2f2f6f70656e636f6c6c6563746976652e636f6d2f796969322d7769646765742d66696c65696e7075742f6f7267616e697a6174696f6e2f382f6176617461722e737667 68747470733a2f2f6f70656e636f6c6c6563746976652e636f6d2f796969322d7769646765742d66696c65696e7075742f6f7267616e697a6174696f6e2f392f6176617461722e737667


yii2-widget-fileinput is released under the BSD-3-Clause License. See the bundled LICENSE.md for details.