
JCC Storybook is a Storybook driven base theme for Drupal.

Installs: 78 373

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 4

Watchers: 5

Forks: 0



0.55.32 2024-05-17 07:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-24 22:18:29 UTC


JCC Storybook is a component library and a base theme for Drupal built by the Judicial Council of California.

This library uses algorithmic/intrinsic layout techniques and 13 "Layout Primitives", instead of media queries and breakpoints, to compose complex layouts. It allows content to expand or contract according to its needs, and still adapts to infinite screen sizes.

Layout Primitives are composed into Atomic Components, that are used to build templates and pages.

For more details about the methodologies used in this component library see: https://judicialcouncilofcalifornia.github.io/jcc_storybook/?path=/docs/documentation-intro--default

External References:



  1. Components module


  • Install with composer to your drupal project.
    • composer require judicialcouncil/jcc_storybook
  • Enable the base theme in drupal via the UI or with drush:
    • drush en jcc_storybook
  • Create a new theme with the following line in your info.yml file: base theme: jcc_storybook
  • Include twig templates into your theme via @atoms/button.twig, etc. COMING SOON

Pattern Library Development

For development of the pattern library only. Not required to use this as a base theme.


  • Node 18


  • Clone this repo and cd to the directory
  • nvm use: to use the specified version of Node. (If using nvm to manage node. You may need to install the appropriate version.)
  • npm install: to install the required development packages.
  • npm run storybook: to start storybook. It will open a new browser window.

Creating Components

There is a package installed to help make development easier, by generating component scaffolds for you. The package is called Plop JS. You don't need to learn or configure it. Just create new components by running it and following the prompts.

  • npm run plop
  • Enter a component name. i.e. Card
  • Select a component type. i.e. Molecules

The new component will appear at src/stories/Molecules/Card

For more information about how to develop components for this library, see the "Documentation" section on the sidebar of Storybook.

Projects using JCC Storybook

  • JCC Trial Courts


