
There is no license information available for the latest version (v2.9) of this package.

my personal webbed site

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Open Issues: 5



v2.9 2023-12-30 11:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-21 13:47:40 UTC


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welcome to my hand-crafted personal website and coding sandbox 🛠

Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 10-11-30 jasmine's journal

local deployment guide

base requirements

  • PHP 8 or newer.

  • composer for updating PHP dependencies.

    if you'd prefer not to install composer globally, the executable composer.phar file (located in the /bin directory) can be used instead - more on that in the instructions.

  • MariaDB or MySQL for the database.

general instructions

  1. clone this repository to your machine:

    1. via composer (global installation) - this will automatically install the required dependencies:

      • latest:

        composer create-project jasm1nii/jasmines-journal:dev-main
      • stable:

        composer create-project jasm1nii/jasmines-journal
    2. via git CLI:

      • latest:

        git clone https://github.com/jasm1nii/jasmines-journal
      • stable:

        git clone https://github.com/jasm1nii/jasmines-journal --branch (version tag)
    3. via direct download as a .zip archive:

  2. if you haven't already, install the required dependencies:

    1. via composer (global installation):

      composer install
    2. via composer.phar:

      php bin/composer.phar install
  3. configure your web server to use /public_html as the document root, as well as to redirect requests for nonexistent files to /public_html/index.php.

    • for apache, an .htaccess file is already included to handle the latter, but ensure to set the former in your httpd.conf file.
  4. that's it! you can now view this site at whatever localhost address you've set 👾

additional configuration

per version 2.3, a guestbook_sample.sql file is provided in the /resources/databases directory. to use it, you'll need to import the file manually to your server database. after that, tweak any parameters as needed in /config/env_sample.ini and /config/src_paths.php.