
Matches requests to controllers.

v0.4.15 2022-11-14 22:29 UTC


Routing component for Jadob Framework

Getting Started

//Creating and configuring router instance:

//defining routes:
$routes = [
    'home' => [
        'path' => '/', //required
        'controller' => 'Your/App/Controller::class, //required
        'action' => 'index' //not required
        'ignore_global_prefix' => true //if true, 

//if you need to add a set of routes with a common prefix:
$collection = new \Jadob\Router\RouteCollection();

// this route will be matched on URI "/backend/posts/new"
$backendRoute = (new Route('backend_new_post'))


//when collection is passed to array, his key is ignored
$routes['backend_collection']  = $collection;

$routerConfig = [
    'routes' => $routes

$router = new \Jadob\Router\Router($routerConfig);


  • 0.70.1 - locale_prefix renamed to global_prefix.