There is no license information available for the latest version (v0.2.0) of this package.

Sync contents between two Sulu systems.

v0.2.0 2017-05-12 11:49 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-10 10:18:15 UTC



composer require fusonic/sulu-sync

With a healthy Sulu installation, install this bundle and add it to your AbstractKernel.php:

new Fusonic\SuluSyncBundle\FusonicSuluSyncBundle(),


In sulu-standard, the console file is in the app folder.

In sulu-minimal, the console file is in the bin folder.

Export contents

To export contents, use (app|bin)/console sulu:export. Export command

Import contents

To import contents, use (app|bin)/console sulu:import <host>. Downloading assets might take a while, depending on the size of the uploads directory. Import command

To import everything without uploads (images etc.), use (app|bin)/console sulu:import <path> --skip-assets.

To import everything without Elastic Search indices, use (app|bin)/console sulu:import <path> --skip-indices. This will speed up the import.

To export everything, when having no uploads or Elastic Search indices in Sulu content, use (app|bin)/console sulu:export <path> <export_msg>

To export everything with uploads, use (app|bin)/console sulu:export <path> <export_msg> --export-assets

To export everything with Elastic Search indices, use (app|bin)/console sulu:export <path> <export_msg> --export-indices