
The package contains abstract classes and services to build a rest-api-interface with symfony 4, fos-rest-bundle, jms-serializer, lexik-form-filter-bundle in few steps.

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Forks: 2

Open Issues: 2


dev-master 2019-10-15 10:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-15 20:34:37 UTC


The HessnaturSimpleRestCRUDBundle adds support for creating basic restful CRUD-functionality to the symfony framework.

Features include:

  • expandable filters and forms to handle entities
  • expandable ApiResourceModel with UUID and timestamp of creation
  • Abstract CRUD-Controller to build endpoints

Note: This bundle does not provide an authentication system but can provide the user provider for the core SecurityBundle or LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle .


To install the bundle require the bundle via composer and add the main-file to your bundles.php located in the config-directory.


After installation that you can create an entity (inheritance from Hessnatur\SimpleRestCRUDBundle\Model\ApiResource), an update- and filter-form (inheritance from Hessnatur\SimpleRestCRUDBundle\Form\ApiResourceType and Hessnatur\SimpleRestCRUDBundle\Filter\ApiResourceFilter).

Now you can create a simple controller like this:

// src/Controller/UserController.php

 * @Rest\Route("users")
class UserController extends AbstractApiResourceController
    public function getApiResourceClass(): string
        return User::class;

    public function getApiResourceFilterFormClass(): string
        return UserFilterType::class;

    public function getApiResourceFormClass(): string
        return UserType::class;

The following endpoints a created dynamically:

Endpoint Http Verb Functionality
/users/{uuid} GET Returns the user with the given uuid.
/users/{uuid} PUT Updates the user with the given uuid (defined in getApiResourceFormClass()).
/users POST Creates a new user (defined in getApiResourceFormClass())
/users/{uuid} DELETE DELETES the user with the given uuid.
/users GET Lists all users (you can filter with query params defined in getApiResourceFilterFormClass()).

Configure paths

The bundle sets automatically self paths to the ApiResources. If you prefix this paths, you can configure this in the config file of the bundle:

    api_prefix: 'api'

Configure ApiResourceManager

You can use an own ApiResourceManager. This class has to implement the Hessnatur\SimpleRestCRUDBundle\Manager\ApiResourceManagerInterface. In the config file of the bundle you can configure your ApiResourceManager:

    api_resource_manager: 'Hessnatur\YourCustomCodeNamespace\Manager\ApiResourceManager'


This bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the bundle