
Rico project library - PHP libraries

3.1.0 2021-01-24 23:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 19:43:58 UTC



PHP utility libraries

This project is made of some lightweight and well-tested libraries.

They are useful to access some frequently used low-level robust functions while not wanting to import tons of dependencies.


composer require gui-don/rico-library
Manual with source

Import the autoload.php file in your code:


use \Rico\Lib\StringUtils;

// etc
Manual with Phar

use \Rico\Lib\StringUtils;

// etc


How to - Procedural style (recommended in data object)



use \Rico\Slib\StringUtils;

// […] Some code
// $uglyString = getUglyString();

$beautifulString = StringUtils::beautifulise($uglyString);

How to - OOP style (recommended anywhere else)


// autoload Not need if using composer
// require_once('autoload.php');

use \Rico\Lib\StringUtils;

// […] Some code
// $uglyString = $object->getUglyString();

$stringUtils = new StringUtils();
$beautifulString = $stringUtils->beautifulise($uglyString);

Missing a function? Make a pull request or simply extends the following classes.

ArrayUtils lib

  • flatten(array $multidimensionalArray): array: Extracts each element of a $multidimensionalArray in a single list. Does not preserve any keys.
    // […]
    $array = [1, 2, 3], ['test' => 2], [], [2, 5, 6, 7]];

    // Result: [1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 5, 6, 7]
  • insert($needle, int $index, array $haystack): array: Inserts an element $needle at the $index position in the $haystack, conserving the order and moving other element in the way. Does not preserve any keys.
    // […]
    $needle = 'replace';
    $index = 10;
    $haystack = [0 => 'zero', 10 => 'misplaced', 14 => 'next'];

    var_dump(ArrayUtils::insert($needle, $index, $haystack));
    // Result: [0 => 'zero', 1 => 'replace', 2 => 'misplaced', 3 => 'next']
  • orderByOccurrence(array $array): array: Order an $array values by the number of occurrences of each element of that array. Work with any types. De-duplicates values.
    // […]
    $array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4];

    // Result: [4, 5, 1, 2, 3]
  • transpose(array $similarArrays): array: Transforms multiple $similarArrays into key-valued arrays.
    // […]
    $similarArrays = ['first' => 1, 'second' => 2, 'third' => 3], ['first' => 1], ['first' => 1, 'third' => 3, 'second' => 2];

    // Result: ['first' => [1, 1, 1], 'second' => [2, 2], 'third' => [3, 3]]

FileUtils lib

  • addLine($file, $line): Adds a new $line at the end of a $file without duplication.

  • count($file, $countEmpty = false): Counts the number of lines in a $file.

  • extractExtension(string $filename): Extracts the extension (without the dot) of a filename alone or contained in a path.

FilesystemUtils lib

  • createPath($path): Creates the completer $path with all missing intermediates directories.

  • createSymlink($link, $path): Creates a symbolic $link pointing to $file.

  • listDirectory($path, $option): Gets filenames and folders names (according to $option) inside a $path.

StringUtils lib

  • alphaToId($string, $secret): Converts an alphabetic $string into an identifier (an integer).

  • beautifulise($uglyString): Transforms an $uglyString (with incorrect ponctuation) into beautiful string (with correct ponctuation).

  • humanFilesize($bytes): Gets a human readable string of a size in $bytes.

  • idToAlpha($integer, $secret): Converts a $identifier into an alphanumeric string.

  • minify(string $string): Removes whitespaces, line breaks and comment out of a $string.

  • normalize($string): Cleans a $string by removing multi-spaces, line breaks, indents and HTML tags.

  • normalizeWhitespace($string): Replaces all sort of spaces (tab, nil, non-breaking…) in a $string by a simple space.

  • randString($length, $allowedChars): Generates a random string of $length $allowedChars.

  • removeBracketContent($string): Removes brackets and its content from a $string.

  • removeLine($string): Removes all sort of line breaks inside a $string.

  • removeWhitespace($string): Removes all sort of spaces from a $string.

  • slugify($string): Transforms a $string into a ascii-only string separated by -.

  • underscoreToSpace($string): Replaces underscore in $string by spaces.

ValidationUtils lib

  • isEmail($mixed): Checks that $mixed value is an email.

  • isHexadecimal($mixed): Checks that $mixed value is a hexadecimal value.

  • isIp($mixed): Checks that $mixed value is an IP (v4 or v6).

  • isNumber($mixed): Checks that $mixed value is a decimal number (float or integer).

  • isPhoneNumber($string): Checks that $string value is a phone number.

  • isPositiveInt($mixed): Checks that $mixed value is a positive integer (primary key).

  • isURL($mixed): Checks that $mixed value is an URL.

  • isURLMagnet($mixed): Checks that $mixed value is a magnet URL.

MathUtils lib

  • smartRound($number, $idealLength): Rounds a $number adding decimal part only when int part of $number < $idealLength.

UrlUtils lib

  • getResourceName($url): Gets the name of a resource (image, pdf, …) out of an $url.

  • stripResourceName($url): Gets the URL without the resource (image, pdf, …).