
Laravel 5.6 Monolog custom telegram channel

1.1 2019-07-10 20:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-11 14:14:00 UTC


This package will sends an message Via Telegram to a spedified group or user speicifed by the LOG_TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID.


composer require gordonzero/monolog-telegram

Open up config/logging.php and find the channels key. Add the following channel to the list.

'telegram' => [
    'driver' => 'custom',
    'via'=> \Logger\TelegramLogger::class,
    'botKey' => env('LOG_TELEGRAM_BOT_ID'),
    'chatId' => env('LOG_TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID'),

Add the following information to your .env file. Your LOG_TELEGRAM_BOT_ID is for the your bot key and LOG_TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID is the chat ID for a telegram user or channel.


This package contains a blank Service Provider. This is only to let you know that the package is detected and working properly.

Side Notes

Currently it does not have any built in methods for figuring out what your CHAT_ID is. This may come in a future version or you can check around for posts that tell you how to find this ID number.