
Turpan will check that whether deletion of PHP require statements is safe.

0.3.5 2017-07-19 13:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-28 08:37:41 UTC



Turpan will check that whether deletion of PHP require statements is safe.


vendor/bin/turpan {from rev} HEAD

If deleted (include|include_once|require|require_once) statements was not pure class file reference, Turpan show warnings. Pure class file means that only contains class declaration and (include|include_once|require|require_once) statements.

Environment variables

name example default description
TURPAN_SHOW_DETAIL OFF - Not display code in report.
IGNORE_PATTERN /tests/ - Ignore matched path.
DOC_ROOT_DIR app - Specify document root.