
Gamer Network's PHP framework core

v1.0 2015-07-24 13:22 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-21 02:43:09 UTC


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Yolk Support

Scrutinizer Code Quality

Provides various supporting elements to the Yolk framework, such as:

  • Collections
  • Configuration
  • Fieldsets and Fields
  • Twig Extension
  • Validation


This library requires only PHP 5.4 or later and the Yolk Contracts package (gamernetwork/yolk-contracts).


It is installable and autoloadable via Composer as gamernetwork/yolk-support.

Alternatively, download a release or clone this repository, and add the \yolk\support namespace to an autoloader.


Yolk Support is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.


This package provides basic implementation of the Collection, Dictionary and Set interfaces defined in the yolk-contracts package.

BaseCollection accepts an array of items in its constructor and provides basic collection operations such as iteration, counting, emptying and testing for existence. There is no support for adding or removing individual items, this being provided by specific subclasses.

BaseDictionary extends BaseCollection to add support for adding and removing key/value pairs - each key being unique.

BaseSet extends BaseCollection to add support for adding and removing unique items.

use yolk\support\collections\BaseCollection;
use yolk\support\collections\BaseDictionary;
use yolk\support\collections\BaseSet;

$c = new Collection([123, 456, 789]);

$c->count();		// returns 3
$c->contains(456);	// returns true
$c->contains(234);	// returns false
$c->isEmpty();		// returns false
$c->clear();		// remove all items
$c->isEmpty();		// returns true

$d = new BaseDictionary();

$d->add('foo', 123);
$d->add('bar', 456);
$d->has('foo');	// returns true
$d->has('baz');	// returns false
$d->get('foo');	// returns 123
$d->keys();		// returns ['foo', 'bar']

$d = new BaseSet();

$d->contains('foo');	// returns true
$d->contains('bar');	// returns false


BaseConfig provides a basic configuration object, the underlying implementation being an array. The array can be populated from an external file via load(), or from an existing array via merge(). Methods are also provided to allow easy access to nested elements.

use yolk\support\BaseConfig;

$c = new BaseConfig([
	'foo' => [
		'bar' => 123,
		'baz' => 456,

$c->get('');	// returns 123

$c->set('foo.baz', 789);	// changes the value of ['foo']['bar']

// overwrite the 'foo' branch and add an additional value for 'bar'
	'foo' => 'abc',
	'bar' => 'def',

$c->get('');	// returns null (key doesn't exist)

$c->get('bar');	// returns 'def'

$c->load(__DIR__. 'config.php');	// 'config.php' should create an array called $config

Fieldsets and Fields

A field represents an object property, database column or similar construct.

Fieldsets are collections of Fields and can be used as database table/model definitions, html form definitions, etc.


A Field must have a name and a type and may optionally have additional rules defining rules for values that are considered valid.

Supported field types are listed in yolk\contracts\support\Type.

use yolk\support\Field;

$f = new Field('id', Type::INTEGER);
$f = new Field('email', Type::EMAIL, ['required' => true, 'unique' => true]);
$f = new Field(
		'required' => true,
		'values' => ['EMPLOYEE', 'PARTNER', 'OTHER']

Available Rules:

  • required - [boolean] if true, must have a non-empty value (default: false)
  • nullable - [boolean] determines if null is an acceptable value (default: false)
  • default - [mixed] default value to use if none specified (default: empty based on type)
  • label - [string] user-friendly label, (default: title-cased name)
  • unique - [boolean] determines if values should be unique (default: false)
  • min - [integer|string] minimum acceptable value
  • max - [integer|string] maximum acceptable value
  • min-length - [integer] minimum length of value
  • max-length - [integer] maximum length of value
  • regex - [string] a regular expression that acceptable values must match
  • values - [array] an array containing all acceptable values

Specified rules are available as properties on a Field object; e.g. $f->required. Fields are immutable once instantiated.

There are two methods provided for validation:

  • cast() - cast a specified value to the Field's type
  • validate() - validate a specified value against the Field's rules and return a 'cleaned' value and any validation error encountered. Supported errors are defined in yolk\contracts\support\Error.
use yolk\contracts\support\Error;
use yolk\support\Field;

$f = new Field('id', Type::INTEGER, ['required' => true, 'min' => 0]);

$f->cast(false);		// returns 0
$f->cast('123fgh');		// returns 123
$f->cast('fghsdfs');	// returns 0

$f->validate(0);			// returns [0, Error::REQUIRED]
$f->validate(false);		// returns [false, Error::REQUIRED]
$f->validate('123fgh');		// returns [123, Error::NONE]
$f->validate('fghsdfs');	// returns ['fghsdfs', Error::TYPE]
$f->validate(-123);			// returns [-123, Error::MIN]


Fields are added via the add() method:

use yolk\support\Fieldset;

$f = new Fieldset();
$f->add($name, $type = Type::TEXT, $rules = []);

All Fields in the Fieldset can be validated at once by calling the validate() method and passing an array of field names and values. The return value is an array containing two elements, the first is an array of 'cleaned' values, indexed by Field name; the second is an array of validation errors, indexed by Field name.

use yolk\contracts\support\Error;
use yolk\support\Fieldset;

$f = new Fieldset();

$f->add('id', Type::INTEGER);
$f->add('email', Type::EMAIL, ['required' => true, 'unique' => true]);

	'id'    => '123',
	'email' => 'bar',
		'id'    => 123,
		'email' => 'bar',
		'id'    => Error::NONE,
		'email' => Error::EMAIL,

Twig Extension

The Twig extension provides additional utility functionality to Twig environments.

Tests (is):

  • numeric - determines if a variable contains a numeric value
  • integer - determines if a variable contains an integer value
  • string - determines if a variable is a string
  • array - determines if a variable is an array
  • object - determines if a variable is an object


  • md5 - generate the md5 hash of a value
  • sha1 - generate the sha1 hash of a value
  • truncate - truncate a value to a specified length
  • sum - generate the sum of an array, via array_sum()
  • shuffle - shuffle an array, via shuffle()


  • ceil - round a value up to next highest integer, via ceil()
  • floor - round a value down to next lowest integer, via floor()

If the yolk-core package is detected, most Helper methods are included as filters or functions where there is no corresponding native functionality.


The yolk\support\Validator class contains static methods for validating values. Where possible validation is performed using PHP's built-in filter_var() function with appropriate flags. Validation function will return a valid value of the correct type, or an empty value of the correct type.

  • isEmpty($v, $type = Type::TEXT)
  • validateText($v)
  • validateInteger($V)
  • validateFloat($v)
  • validateBoolean($v)
  • validateTimestamp($v)
  • validateDateTime($v, $format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s')
  • validateDate($v)
  • validateTime($v)
  • validateYear($v, $min = 1900, $max = 2155)
  • validateEmail($v)
  • validateIP($v)
  • validateURL($v)
  • validateJSON($v)
  • validateObject($v, $class, $nullable = false)