
Gamer Network's PHP logging component

v1.0 2015-07-24 13:18 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-04 01:04:27 UTC


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Yolk Logger

Scrutinizer Code Quality

A simple PSR-3 logging library with support for the following outputs:

  • PHP error log
  • Files
  • Null
  • Stdout (CLI only)
  • Stderr (CLI only)
  • Syslog


This library requires PHP 5.4 or later, the Yolk Contracts package (gamernetwork/yolk-contracts) and the PSR-3 reference logger (psr/log).


It is installable and autoloadable via Composer as gamer-network/yolk-logger.

Alternatively, download a release or clone this repository, and add the \yolk\log and \Psr\Log namespaces to an autoloader.


Yolk Logger is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

Quick Start

use yolk\log\LogLevel;

// create a factory
$f = new LoggerFactory();

// create some simple logs with default threshold (INFO)
$l = $f->create('php');
$l = $f->create('stderr');
$l = $f->create('stdout');
$l = $f->create('null');

// specify configuration options
$l = $f->create([
	'type' => 'file'
	'file' => '/var/log/php/myapp.log'

$l = $f->create([
	'type'   => 'syslog'
	'prefix' => 'myapp'

// specify a threshold
$l = $f->create([
	'type'      => 'stderr',
	'threshold' => LogLevel::INFO,

// simple message
$l->warning('Ooops! Something went wrong');

// message with context
	"{user} logged in at {time}",
		'user' => 'Gary',
		'time' => '2014-10-02 12:34:56',