
Gamer Network's PHP framework core

v1.0 2015-07-24 13:23 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-21 02:06:59 UTC


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Yolk Core

Scrutinizer Code Quality

The lightweight core of Gamer Network's PHP framework. Provides error and exception handling and commonly used helper functions.


This library requires only PHP 5.4 or later and the Yolk Contracts package (gamernetwork/yolk-contracts).


It is installable and autoloadable via Composer as gamernetwork/yolk-core.

Alternatively, download a release or clone this repository, and add the \yolk namespace to an autoloader.


Yolk Core is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

Quick Start

Yolk Core provides a basic exception and error handling wrapper for blocks of code, be they command-line scripts, complete web apps or simple functions.

Running code with Yolk is a simple as calling the static run() method with a callable parameter.

use yolk\Yolk;

// Using a closure
Yolk::run(function() {
  echo "Hello World";

// Using a function name
function hello() {
  echo "Hello World";

// Using an object...
class Foo {
  public static function hello() {
    echo "Hello World";
  public function helloWorld() {
    echo "Hello World";
  public function __invoke() {

// ...static callback
Yolk::run(['Foo', 'hello']);

// ...instance callback
$o = new Foo();
Yolk::run([$o, 'hello']);

// ...invokable object

Error and Exception Handling

Yolk Core provides default error and exception handlers:

  • Errors are converted to ErrorExceptions() and passed to the exception handler.
  • Exceptions result in an error page being displayed (for web scripts) or the exception being dumped to stdout (for CLI scripts)

You can override the default handlers by passing a callable to the appropriate method:

use yolk\Yolk;



Debug Flag

Yolk provides a debug flag accessible via:

use yolk\Yolk;

// enabled/disable debug flag

// Return current setting of debug flag

Usage of the debug flag is left almost entirely to clients. The only uses within the framework are:

  • to determine whether to display a detailed error page (if debug flag is set) or a simple static error page
  • calls to the d() and dd() dump functions are ignored if the debug flag is not set

The default simple static error page can be overriden: by passing the path and file name to the ```

use yolk\Yolk;


Variable Dumping

Yolk provides an enhanced var_dump() implementation that can output detailed variable information in plain text, html or terminal (CLI) formats.

use yolk\Yolk;

 * $var - any variable or constant
 * $format - one of null, Yolk::DUMP_TEXT, Yolk::DUMP_HTML, Yolk::DUMP_TERMINAL
Yolk::dump($var, $format = null);

If no format or null is specified then Yolk will auto-detect the appropriate output - DUMP_TERMINAL will be used within CLI environments and DUMP_HTML will be used for web environments.

Yolk will also define two shortcut functions for accessing the variable dumping functionality:

  • d() - calls Yolk::dump() for each passed argument
  • dd() - same as d() but will call die() once the arguments have been dumped

These shortcut methods do nothing is the debug flag is not set.


Yolk provides a variety of helper functions and more can be easily added. Helper functions are implemented as static class methods and registered either by passing the class name to the Yolk::registerHelper() method (registers all public static methods) or by passing a class and method name to the Yolk::addHelperMethod() (registers a single method). Once registered helper functions can be called via static method call to Yolk.

use yolk\Yolk;

class MyHelper {
  public static function foo() {
    echo 'foo';
  public static function bar() {
    echo 'bar';



General Helpers

  • isCLI() - determines if the script is running in a CLI environment

Array Helpers

  • uniqueIntegers() - return an array of unique integers
  • isTraversable() - determines if a variable can be interated over using foreach
  • isAssoc() - determine if an array is associative or not
  • filterObjects() - filter an array to instances of a specific class
  • get() - return an item from an array or object or a default value if the item doesn't exist
  • getNullItems() - filter an array to items that are null
  • pluck() - extract a single field from an array of arrays of objects
  • sum() - calculate the sum of the specified item from an array of arrays or objects
  • min() - calculate the min of the specified item from an array of arrays or objects
  • max() - calculate the max of the specified item from an array of arrays or objects
  • implodeAssoc() - implode an associative array into an array of key/value pairs
  • makeComparer() - create a comparison function for sorting multi-dimensional arrays

Date/Time Helpers

  • makeTimestamp - convert a value into a timestamp
  • seconds() - convert a string representation containing one or more of hours, minutes and seconds into a total number of seconds

String Helpers

  • parseURL() - parse a url into an array of it's components

  • randomHex() - generate a random hex string of a specific length

  • randomString() - generate a random string of a specific length

  • uncamelise() - convert a camel-cased string to lower case with underscores

  • slugify() - convert a string into a form suitable for urls

  • removeAccents() - convert accented characters to their regular counterparts

  • latin1() - convert a UTF-8 string into Latin1 (ISO-8859-1)

  • utf8() - convert a Latin1 (ISO-8859-1) into UTF-8

  • ordinal() - return the ordinal suffix (st, nd, rd, th) of a number

  • sizeFormat() - convert a number of bytes to a human-friendly string using the largest suitable unit

  • xssClean() - remove XSS vulnerabilities from a string

  • stripControlChars() - remove control characters from a string

Inflection Helpers

  • pluralise() - Determine the plural form of a word (English only)
  • singularise() - Determine the single form of a word (English only)